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2008年03月16日 20:48 新浪考试
作者:济南新东方 张国珩 陈俊杰 山东省自2007年高考改革以来,高考英语试卷删除短文改错,添加了阅读表达新题型。许多考生对这种新题型还不甚了了。本文再此进行相关阐述希望助广大考生备战2008年高考一臂之力。 一、阅读表达是什么? 1,该题位置:阅读表达2007年山东高考英语试题首次出现,它被设置在第Ⅱ卷第四部分书面表达的第一节。 2,该题形式:阅读表达是一篇大概350个单词组成的文章,后面跟了5道笔答题,每题3分,共15分。该题型既考察了学生的阅读理解能力,又考察了书面表达的能力,是一种综合性的题型,难度较高。 二、命题类型有哪些? 出题形式尽管多样,但无非六类,从这六类中任选五类就能给一篇文章出题。 1,主旨性问题:(please answer within 10 words)它要求概括出文章的某一段、或整篇文章的大意(mainly about/main idea)、标题(title)或作者的写作意图(purpose)。 出题形式大致如下: ①What is the main idea of the second phrase? ②What is the main idea of the article? ③What is the best title of the passage? ④For what purpose dose the author mention ……in paragraph one ? ⑤What is the purpose of the writer writing the passage? 2,完成句子:(within 10 words)它要求结合上下文,将短文中的空白处用合适的词或句补充完整,使短文通畅(fill in the blank)。 出题形式大致如下: ①Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrase. ②Fill the blank in paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. 3,句子替代:它要求根据所给出的英文句子,寻找短文中意思相同的句子(replace sentence)。 出题形式大致如下: ①Please find out the sentence which can be replaced by the following one? ②Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? 4,句子翻译:它要求将短文中指定的句子翻译成通顺的汉语(translate)。 出题形式大致如下:Translate the underlined sentence in the……paragraph into Chinese. 5,封闭性问题:就文中的某个点进行提问要你解答,这种问题又往往是要求大家对文章的某一部分进行总结概括,总结成符合字数要求的句子。 所以这样的问题出题形式更加广泛,但同学们可以大致参照以下几个问题为例: ①What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words) ②According to the passage, what is the writer’s problem? (within 10 words) ③According to the paragraph 2, how does the author solve the problem? (within 20 words) 6,开放性问题:就某一问题要求考生结合自己的观点和态度进行表述。 出题形式大致如下: ① What would you do if you were……? ② What other suggestions would you give to solve …… problem mentioned ? ③How would you settle the problem if you were ……? 以上问题,主旨性问题、完成句子、封闭性问题和开放性问题要求字数限制(具体限制在10个还是20个看题目要求),句子替换和句子翻译通常不要求字数限制。 三、各问题的解题技巧及注意事项。 在阅读表达这道题上,学生最大的问题不是拿不到分,而是分拿不全。本文配合着例题将解题技巧阐述如下。 1,主旨性问题:title / mainly about / purpose ①此类题目的回答要求考生把本文的主旨归纳取出来,那么怎么归纳?把各段的中心句综合起来。各段的中心句又怎么找?各段的中心句通常是每段的首句、末句和转折句,这三个地方往往是该段的中心句,另外还有一个方法也可以判断中心句,那就是中心句往往具有概括性,而中心句的前后的句子往往是对该句的进一步解释和说明或者是举例。这样每一段的中心句是哪句,每段说的是什么就清楚了,综合起来,一篇文章说的什么也就清楚了。 该类题目学生答题存在的问题:一是把握主旨不准,二是答案要点不全。 举例来说, 什么叫主旨把握准不准?一篇文章共五段,第一段说一个现象——现在抽烟的人还很多……,第二段说最近科学研究抽烟是有一定好处的,比如哪个大学教授用小白鼠作了个什么试验,得出结论说抽烟能刺激血蛋白,……之类的。第三段说一个叫横戈的人抽烟就活到了120岁,每天还能参加这运动那运动,这辩论赛那主持节目等等……第四段说对于抽烟有好处这一提法的争论依然很强烈,法国哪个大学的professor 谁就怎么说了,然后那老头又作了个实验证明自己。第五段说,最新的什么国际组织统计数字表明,最近一二十年死了多少人,有百分之多少是因抽烟引起的,然后又发生了多少火灾也是跟抽烟有关…… 这篇文章如果问你title或mainly about的时候,答案应该是 “关于抽烟的一个争论”。但好多同学会却答成了抽烟的advantage and disadvantage.当然也有的同学答成什么抽烟有利于健康,或者是抽烟多么不好,或者呼吁大家不要抽烟阿之类的,那就更不着边了。 那么什么是答案要点不全呢?比如说一篇文章四段,第一段说芬兰的位于哪哪,越来越多的游客喜欢来这里,因为它有美丽的风景,然后就细说这多么美,那多么好。第二段说芬兰的历史开始于中世纪,先是被谁占领了,后来又被谁继续蹂躏,一直到什么年才获得独立,这独立又跟俄国革命有关……第三段又说芬兰没有煤,油也不多,但木材很多,全世界的纸张制造业和家具制造业有百分之多少的原材料都来自于芬兰,然后又说芬兰利用水资源发电也很厉害。问你title或mainly about,如果你答成 “介绍芬兰”,分数不会给全。要把它点透,“介绍芬兰的风景、历史和资源”这样就可以拿全分,因为是踩点给分,一个点一分,正好三分。 这种题还有一个争议性的问题是,寓言故事类的文章如何确定主题,是答寓言故事本身呢?还是答故事所蕴含的寓意呢?哪个篇幅多答哪个,当然最好你连故事加寓意全答上。比如说一篇文章前面大部分在讲小马过河这件事,后面简单提了一下“这个故事证明实践是检验真理的唯一标准”然后又罗嗦上几句,比如什么青少年应该自己动手,勇于实践之类的废话。那么它的主题就是“小马过河”,而不是“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”。因为哪个篇幅长哪个肯定是作者更想说的。当然你要是答成“作者通过小马过河的例子说明实践的重要性”那么答案就是perfect. 关于作者目的(purpose)这类考题上也有个失分点,比如说作者在某段提到某人或某件事想干吗?我们讲过例子肯定都是围绕主题的,但你绝不能答案就是 introduce the topic。这似乎是个万能工具。但这样的答案在实际阅卷中就可给,也可不给满分。其实这个答案离标准的满分答案之差一点,这就是说introduce the topic,topic是什么你要点出来。比如07年的真题第四道题,问作者在第一段提到他的美国朋友目的是什么?我给大家三个答案,请同学们看看那个更好?1,to introduce the topic 2, as an example to introduce the topic. 3, as an example to show a way of handling e-mails. 显然答案一个比一个更好,第三个最好。这就是分数拿不全的地方。 2,完成句子:fill the blank 此题是同学们公认最难的题,感觉无从下手。其实仔细研究就会发现,命题者并非随便设个空就叫你填的。只有两种情况,要么根据上下文,要么考语词的固定组合。上下文考的就是起承转合。比如一个空上面说好,下面说不好,那空白处只能结合文章写一个带转折的句子;要是上面说好,下面还说好,那就是并列或递进的句子;如果上面是个总论,下面列出个一二三,空白处只能填“解决措施如下”之类的话。我举几个实例: ①Almost every week now there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of e-mail. If this is the case, it's only because we haven't developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it. ________ . Firstly. You junk nothing with an exclamation mark on a string of capital letters, or from any address you don't recognize or feel confident about. Secondly, e-mail don't all have to be answered. Because e-mail is so easy,…… Thirdly, a reply e-mail does not have to be the same length as the original.…… 空白处的答案:e-mails can be handled in the following way / here are some tips to deal with e-mail. 这些答案是可以的,没得到分数的同学是没能抓上下文的逻辑关系。还有些分数拿不全的同学是这样回答的:as is shown in the following.这样答又是泛泛的,没能点明主题。 ② A small family had its advantages. Firstly,……Secondly…… However,______________________. The only child becomes the little emperor. It would make the one child ask more for him and think less of others. Besides, after the child grows up and gets married, the new couple has to take care of four old parents.…… 很显然,空白处应填 the small families also have their disadvantages. 以上两个例子是根据上下文的。但如果我们走得更深,把根据上下文的题出的难度更大的话,可以出成这样: ③Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course, any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department, famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. But _______________ ____________. I chose to study engineering at a small liberal arts university that doesn't even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my career. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by interacting with people who weren't studying science or engineering. 这篇的难度就相对高一些了,但我们大概能猜出来作者反正没选文科学校,这就看你怎么把这句话写得更好,我给大家几个答案:1,that was not my choice 2, that was not what I did 3, what I did was different这些大案都可以,不至于丢分,当然更具杀伤力的答案应该是:what I did was just the opposite. 有两个小技巧需要提醒同学们注意:1,字数绝不能超,但也不能太少。比如要求十个字,你最起码要写个七八个。2,阅读方面的缺陷写作补。什么意思呢?同样一句话,如果你不能表述得很准确,那就尽量把这句话写得有点水平,用几个上档次的词汇,这会暗示阅卷老师你是很有功底的。评卷教师给分会相对宽松。 还有一种变态到极致的题——我们称之为常识性的题,如果你没有这方面的常识是很难作对的,这种情况在高考的历史上也不是没有出现过。请大家欣赏一下这种灾难性问题: ④ During the Napoleonic Wars(1803—1815), Finland was passed finally from Sweden to Russia. The time came in 1917, when the Russian Revolution brought foreign rule of Finland .Shortly after Soviet Russia made peace with Germany, 1919 saw the founding of the Finish Republic. 如果不是世界史学得很好的学生很难填出来 to the end。遇到这种灾难性的问题只能安慰自己:埃雷劈的又不我一个! 以上是根据上下文来填的,还有一种就是根据固定组合来填。所谓固定组合就是前面有个not just,后面让你填but also,或者给出后面让你填前面。还有either……or , neither ……nor 之类的。我们看一个例子: ⑤ However, whatever its advantages, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership _________. 看懂看不懂这个句子基本上都能拿到这个分数,因为前面有个on the one hand,那么答案只能是 on the other hand. 3, 句子替换:replace 提醒大家的是这道题去年出得过于简单,今年有可能在这道题上增加点难度。其实难度的增加也就是可能在一篇文章里出现了两处你认为都能被替换的句子(07年考的就一处,很容易就找到),到底是哪句?你需要花点时间辨别一下,不能轻敌。 再一个失分点是这样的:文章可以被替换的句子我已经找到了,那么这句话我是不是全抄下来?比如07年的真题中的第一道题: Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails. 同学们很容易就在文章中找到了这样一句:If this is the case, it's only because we haven't developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it. 很多学生问我:If this is the case,这句话好像跟题目中那句话关系不太大,要不要抄下来?反问一句话:什么叫一句话?题目是这样要求的 :Which sentence……我们说英语中的断句只能是点(俗称句号)或者问号感叹号等等,逗号前后肯定不能算两句话。所以,全抄。 友情提示:1,在这种替换中要注意数字的变化,题目中要求替换的句子中用66%,而文中可能会用sixty-six percent。2,还有的变化是可能题目中的句子用被动,而原文中的句子用的是主动语态。3,一定要忠实原文。有一些同学老喜欢篡改原文,文章用的是完成时,他非要写成她喜欢的时态,这些没必要的失分点不应在高考中出现,警示。 4, 翻译句子:translate 翻译本身讲究信、达、雅。雅,我们大多数学生做不到,而且还是在考场这么大的压力的情况下,但其他两点必须做到:忠实原文,表达流畅。 所谓忠实原文就要求你不能改得太多,我举个例子:You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a brief reply. 这个句子我讲两个要点:1,marathon 你可以直译为马拉松式的邮件,也可以意译为冗长的邮件,直译较佳,原因有二,一是直译不好译时才用意译,这更忠实原文,二是马拉松这个单词本身就是个考点,考官本来就要看学生认不认识这个单词,所以大家要有这个敏感性。2,句子的前半部分不好翻译,尽管这些单词你都认识You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness,所以如果你既想不失掉要点分数又想让句子通顺,可以把整句翻译成:用简短的话回复马拉松式的电子邮件既是完美的又是礼貌的。这样就不失信和达。 所谓表达流畅,就尽量不要在句子里出现像口语中的句子,如 “吃了么,你?”要讲点逻辑。我们再举个例子:Examination of reasons connected with the historical development of silent reading shows that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character. 这句话的翻译关键是能看出这样一个结构:对……的测试,表明……,这主要是因为……。但要把这句话翻译的更好确实要下点功夫,我们先来直译一下:对于默读的历史发展的原因的测试表明默读变成了大多数成人阅读任务的通常模式主要因为任务本身在特点上发生了变化。把句子翻译成这样也基本可以接近满分了,这做到了信,但我们读起来似乎跟没翻译前一样不懂,所以这就要求再次整理,把它翻译的通顺些,比如:人们对于与默读的历史发展相关的原因进行了研究,发现默读之所以成为大多数成年人通常采用的模式,主要是因为阅读任务本身的特征发生了变化。这样的答案就excellent了。 我们再提一下雅,看这个句子:Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. 这里有两个要点:1,把状语提前。2,我尊贵的理想撞了一下现实,这么翻译实在太土,稍作修饰,我们可以把它译成:正像所有崇高的理想一样,我的宏伟目标也在现实面前碰得粉碎。 友情提示:1,在翻译中常考的一个要点是it的翻译,如果你翻译成它、他或她,这是没分的,必须把it指的是什么翻译出来。代词的翻译去年没考,今年应该警惕。2,专有名词作为考点,这个趋势还将继续,如真题中的marathon。我再举个例子:At the meantime, many developing nations adopt family planning policy to get rid of poverty. 这里面的family planning policy ,指的是计划生育政策,你是否知道?所以高考的同学们,在平时收集一点这方面的知识还是很有必要的,即使翻译中考不到,在写作中你要能用上一两个专有名词,比如说和谐社会,盲目崇拜之类的,老师会觉得你很地道。 5,封闭型问题 这种题考察的是两个要点:1,能不能找到考点,2,能不能把文章的一段话总结成规定字数以内的一句话。举例说: I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering “factories” where they didn’t care if you had values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist (人文学者) all in one. Now I’m not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal arts courses, I have learned there are reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile (协调) engineering with liberal arts courses in college. The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don't mix as easily as I assumed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten to confuse. The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult. 在此截取了一篇文章的后半部分,相信大多数同学都能判断出前半部分与下面这道题无关,题是这样出的: According to the passage, what is the writer’s problem? (Please answer within 10 words.) 你能在10个字以内总结出来么?参考答案:He found it difficult to reconcile engineering and liberal arts. 去年考的题比这篇还简单,是这样出的: What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words) 最后一段是这样的:Thirdly, a reply e-mail does not have to be the same length as the original. We all have e-mail pals who send long, chatty e-mails, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply. The charm of e-mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence, totally regardless of the format of the letter sent by post. You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a brief reply. 所以答案很简单:You can reply a long e-mail briefly. 这种题总体上说是比较简单的,现在我们从希望中寻找绝望,来看下一类题。 6, 开放性问题: What would you do if you were encountered with such a situation?(接上一题) 现在大家更清楚地了解了什么叫开放性问题了吧!就是要你站在自己的立场上给予恰当的回答,问题是怎样才算“恰当”?我知道每个同学都会有自己的答案,但都疑惑怎么答才能不丢分数,在这里我给大家提供两种思路,要学会踢球,1,别人踢来的球可以接住,2,不想接可以打个擦边球,把球再踢给别人。看看关于此题的两种回答:⑴,I would focus more on engineering.这是接球(作出一个选择)。当然水平差点你也可以和稀泥:I would take more efforts to mix them well.(这种答法我个人不主张) 。⑵,I would consult some experts for valuable advice.这是把球踢给别人。现在大家会了吧,以后再遇到这样非让你二选一的问题,要么选一个,要么把球踢开。 以上是开放性问题出题形式中的一种,即二选一的问题。我们再来看一种开放性问题: What else do you think will help afford several children besides what is mentioned in the article? (Please answer within 20 words.) 篇幅过长,我现在只能假设并相信同学们能找到最后一段,最后一段是这么说的: Despite the fact that parents have to spend more time and money bringing up several children, it is not as difficult as people think it to be. With the help of good educational system and modern technology, it is becoming easier to afford several children. 现在清楚了,这道题是想问:除了好的教育系统和现代技术之外,你还能想到什么能帮助抚养很多孩子?像这种问题我讲4个要点:1,范围很广,你可以从政治、经济、社会、教育、文化等多个角度去回答,但不能再重复教育和技术,因为文章提到了,这是好多同学的一个丢分点。2,不论你从哪个角度去说,但必须点题,比如你想说好的生活条件,可以,但不会给你满分,你要点题,把后半句也说上,所以满分答案是:The better living conditions can also help to afford several children.同学们的答案都很好,有的说经济的增长(economic growth),有的说社会福利事业的发展(the development of the social welfare),这些答案都可以,但不会给满分,因为你没答全,要把后半句写上,什么什么也可以有助于抚养很多孩子,不能光答个经济增长就完事。3,同学们必须明白一个道理:考试并不等于你就可以表达真实的想法。有的同学答案是这样的:政府采取措施帮助多养孩子的家庭。这显然与我们的基本国情不符。4,一些同学还会问 “我写建议,到底是一条好还是两条,或更多好呢?”要看题目要求,像这道题What else do you think……你随便,但最多两条,但有的题会给你出成这样What other suggestions ……这时候你的建议要至少两条,关键是审题。 鉴于阅读表达这种全新题型自07年刚刚出现,广大考生今后还要多积累资料,摸清命题规律,掌握答题技巧,争取分数拿全拿满。 最后情大家牢记:成功的转机往往是在再坚持的那一会!祝愿大家08年高考成功,心想事成! 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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