
2014年05月15日11:33  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  B.the reviewer’s indication of what the book is

  C.the reviewer’s indication of what the book meant to a reader

  D.skills of describing what is on the page

  65.What is the most important part of a book review?

  A.The heading. B.The evaluation。

  C.The conclusion.   D.The introduction。

  66.Readers will get puzzled if ________。

  A.there is no heading in a book review

  B.the book review is not complex enough

  C.the reviewer’s point of view is mixed with the author’s

  D.there are some different issues listed in the book review

  67.What does the text mainly tell us?

  A.Steps to read a book。

  B.Tips for writing a book review。

  C.The way to develop your idea。

  D.Things not to be avoided in a book review。


  Founded in 1966,Seacamp,the first program dedicated to the education of youth in marine(海洋的) sciences,is the result of a cooperative effort of parents,scientists,businessmen and camp leaders.Preservation practices and a respect for the marine environment are the philosophy of the Seacamp.Seacamp’s tropical marine location in the lower Florida Keys enables it to offer a truly unique marine science program.This program is the heart of Seacamp.Young scientists participate in a variety of courses under the guidance of academically trained marine science instructors and biologists.All science activities include studies in both the field and the laboratory.Each session,140 to 160 campers come to Seacamp,mostly from the US,but also from across the world.There are about 30 international campers each summer from an average of twelve countries.Many Seacamp program graduates have gone on to careers as environmental educators and marine scientists。

  One of Seacamp’s unique aspects is that campers create their schedules.In addition to science classes,campers choose from a variety of programs to ensure that there is something interesting and exciting for everyone.Campers interested in journalism may work on the camp newspaper,SEASCOPE,which is published periodically during camp sessions.Arts activities are also included.Photography allows campers to take home memories of friends,wildlife,and underwater experiences。

  Seacamp teaches the fun and skills of sailing.It’s an excellent way for future marine scientists to become familiar with the winds,tides and currents that are of primary concern in oceanography.Basic Red Cross certification is offered to beginners in sailing.The Red Cross course in advanced lifesaving is taught at Seacamp.The course is designed to increase the campers’ ability to recognize and avoid dangerous water conditions and practices and to use self-rescue skills to get out of dangerous situations。

  Parents may bring campers by car to Big Pine Key.Counselors(辅导员) also meet participants at the Miami International Airport on the opening day of camp and accompany them to Big Pine Key on a bus.The fee for round-trip service is $90.To join the Seacamp adventure,interested campers should contact Seacamp for an application。

  We love to talk about camp!For more information or to ask any questions you might have,please give our friendly staff a call and we’ll be glad to help!

  68.According to the text,Seacamp is designed to help campers ________。

  A.have a good time at the seaside

  B.develop a sense of marine protection

  C.make a further study about sea life

  D.complete a course about marine wildlife

  69.What makes Seacamp different from other camps?

  A.It has various kinds of activities。

  B.It has famous scientists as guides。

  C.The campers can choose their own activities。

  D.The campers can travel with their parents。

  70.It can be learned from Paragraph 3 and 4 that ________。

  A.Seacamp offers many programs apart from science classes

  B.Seacamp is responsible for training marine scientists

  C.beginners in sailing should learn the advanced Red Cross course

  D.Seacamp provides traditional camp activities such as arts and crafts

  71.The main purpose of the text is to ________。

  A.attract the young to Seacamp

  B.present Seacampers’ experiences

  C.introduce the programs of Seacamp

  D.explain the aim of Seacamp


  From age eight to eleven,I attended a small school in Bath,England.It was a small school of four classes with about twenty-five children in each class according to age.For most part,one teacher had to teach all subjects to the children in the class.However,sometimes the headmaster,Mr.Ronald Broaches,would come in and spend an hour or so,teaching some subjects in which he was especially interested.He was a large man with a very happy nature.He had a sense of humor and loved telling the children small stories that would make us laugh.He was a very nice man and had a great influence on many of the children.In my own case,I found that I enjoyed puzzles.He would often stop me as I was going to class and take a piece of paper out of his pocket,often with a puzzle already on it.The puzzles were usually mathematical or logical.As time went on,they slowly got more difficult,but I loved them.Not only that they made me interested in math and problem solving that stays with me to this day.They also showed me that intellectual (智力的) activity was enjoyable when the correct answers were found,but perhaps more importantly it was great fun.Today I can remember Mr.Broaches’ cheerful cry of “Well done!” whenever I got a problem right.The simple communication with a man whom I loved greatly has had a deep influence on my life.I shall forever be thankful that we met each other.Mr.Broaches died just two weeks after I had won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine.Unluckily,I had no chance to speak to him before he died.I learnt later that he had heard of my success and I will always hope that he knew the deep influence he had made on my life。

  72.There were ________ children in each class when I was in the school in Bath,England。

  A.4   B.8   C.11   D.25

  73.From the text,we can learn that ________。

  A.the puzzles made the students laugh

  B.the students were afraid of the headmaster

  C.the puzzles made me enjoy math

  D.the headmaster never taught in the school

  74.The writer felt sorry because ________。

  A.Mr.Broaches had passed away before he won the Nobel Prize

  B.he didn’t express his thanks before Mr.Broaches died

  C.he couldn’t find Mr.Broaches after he grew up

  D.Mr.Broaches didn’t know his success

  75.What would be the best title for the text?

  A.The Story of Mr.Broaches

  B.The Story of My Life

  C.My Early School Life

  D.An Important Teacher in My Life

  第二卷(非选择题 共35分)

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  About thirty years ago,personal computers and CD players were available,but most people were only thinking about them rather ____buying them. Today, h ____,you can see them in many homes, In other words ,things which appear unusual and m ____will quickly become common or even out of date. Yesterday’s latest advances are already being ____ (忘记)in order to make way for an even b ____world, bi recent years, the latest advance in      technology have been happening faster than at time in history. For example,over forty years ago, the latest advances were credit ____ (卡片)and  freezers. On the other hand, we also believed that by now, as a result ____medical research, there would be no more disease, and that we would all be ____ (生活)on the moon. Thus ,it’s not easy to predict the f ____.                    

  76. ____    77.____   78.____ 79.____  80.____

  81. ____    82.____   83.____ 84.____  85.____

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分):





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