Admission Criteria / Eligibility
Each applicant to Concordia is considered holistically based upon prior report cards, test scores, and teacher recommendations。
A student applicant’s academic records, submitted as part of the application materials, must indicate that the student is at or above grade level in all subjects。 Concordia does not offer remedial instruction.Concordia’s age cut-off date for enrollment is September 1。 Students coming from August/September to June/July school years who are applying for Grade 1 to 12 and whose dates of birth fall after the cut-off date will not be required to repeat a grade level should they meet all requirements for admission and continuance into the next logical grade level.Students coming from school years that begin at any point other than August/September will be required to re-enroll in the same grade level in which they are currently studying or which they may have just completed.Once enrolled, promotion of a student to a higher grade level or subject, or retention in the same grade level, is based on the student’s ability and achievement as determined by the student’s teacher, counselor, parent, and principal。
Apply Now
Concordia accepts applications year-round on a rolling admissions basis。 We are currently accepting and evaluating applications。
Concordia has adopted a new online admission system called OpenApply。 You may now use OpenApply to submit an application for admission or to ask a question。
If you have already begun the admissions process with paper forms you may continue that process。 Please follow the information below and use the forms found on the right side of this page。
All applications documents can be downloaded from links on the right side of this page。
1.Download and print the Application Checklist for your reference。
2.Download and fill out the Application Form and any required supplemental
3.Mail school records, supplemental documents and application fee (if choosing to pay application fee via check withdrawn on a U.S。 bank) to:
Concordia International School Shanghai
Office of Admissions
999 Mingyue Lu
Shanghai, P.R。 China 201206
4.If you choose not to pay the application fee by U.S。 check, please see Payment Instructions for details on other options for payment。
随着国际学校的蓬勃发展,一方面学生升学拥有更多选择机会,另一方面繁杂的信息也使家 长陷入了择校困境。为此,新浪教育(微博)在4月中下旬举办“新浪2016国际学校择校巡展”,京沪两地近百余所国际学校将参展。欲知更多信息,详见:新浪2016国际学校择校巡展火热开启
此外,新浪教育为此次展会特推出针对国际学校家 长的调查,填写此调查者择校展当天可优先预留讲座区座位,调查详见:这些择校问题你是否也遇到过?