

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年03月25日 14:52   环球卓越

  13. My father seemed to be in no ________ to look at my school report.

  A mood B emotion C attitude D feeling

  14. She was using somebody else’s computer, ________.

  A not ours’ B not our’s C not our D not ours

  15. Can you break a five-pound note? I haven’t ______ with me.

  A nothing small B anything smaller

  C something smaller D something small

  13. 正确答案:A

  例题解析:be in (no) mood to do sth. 固定搭配”有(没有)做……的心情”

  14. 正确答案:D 译文:她使用别人的计算机,不是我们的。

  例题解析:not ours= not our computer

  15. 正确答案:B

  例题解析:否定句中要用 anything

  16. Zhang, we _______playing the tape recorder so loudly after midnight. It could be a great disturbance to our neighbors.

  A don’t suppose B are not supposing

  C supposed to be not D are not supposed to be

  17. I have been to the doctor’s about my headache. He says there is _______ , but I must lie up for a few days.

  A something serious B anything serious

  C not serious D nothing serious

  18. ________ four years since John left school.

  A They have been B It is C It was D Those are

  16. 正确答案:D

  例题解析:be not supposed to do sth. 表示禁止做某事

  17. 正确答案:D

  例题解析:修饰不定代词 something, anything, nothing 的形容词应置于其后,本句又表达的是否定意思,故选D

  18. 正确答案:B

  例题解析: since 引导的时间状语从句的主句使用一般现在时或现在完成时

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