

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年03月25日 14:52   环球卓越

  38. You're _______ your time trying to persuade him; he'll never join us.

  A.spending B.wasting C.losing D.missing

  39 —What did you think of her speech

  —She _______ for one hour but didn't _______ much.

  A.spoke; speak B.spoke; say C.said; speak D.said; say

  40. All the rooms are _______ with electric lights.

  A.supplied B.given C.offered D.burnt

  38. 正确答案:B

  waste time doing浪费时间干某事;spend time doing花费时间干某事.所提供的情境he'll never join us说明劝说他们参加是浪费时间.你不要浪费时间试图说服他了,他决不会加入到我们这一边.

  39. 正确答案:B

  speak作及物动词时,后接某种语言,作不及物动词时,意思是"说,发言,演说".他在昨天的会议上发了言.speak to sb.对某人说;say是及物动词,"说得多"要用say much.


  be supplied with 安装.所有的房间都安装了电灯.be given 被给与; be offered提供,但它不和with 连用;be burnt被燃烧.

  It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints(约束)influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth's story.

  I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle (小间隔) offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.

  It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but "nice" isn't quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.

  Performance is your best bargaining chip(筹码)when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.

  Use information as a bargaining chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will someone else pay for your services?

  Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction.

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