

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年03月25日 14:52   环球卓越

  41. According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should ____.

  A) demonstrate his capability

  B) give his boss a good impression

  C) ask for as much money as he can

  D) ask for the salary he hopes to get

  42. What can be inferred from Beth's story?

  A) Prejudice against women still exists in some organizations.

  B) If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.

  C) People should not be content with what they have got.

  D) People should be careful when negotiating for a job.

  43. We can learn from the passage that _____.

  A) unfairness exists in salary increases

  B) most people are overworked and underpaid

  C) one should avoid overstating one's performance

  D) most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises

  44. To get a pay raise, a person should _____.

  A) advertise himself on the job market.

  B) persuade his boss to sign a long-term contract

  C) try to get inside information about the organization

  D) do something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions

  45. To be successful in negotiations, one must _____.

  A) meet his boss at the appropriate time

  B) arrive at the negotiation table punctually

  C) be good at influencing the outcome of the interaction

  D) be familiar with what the boss likes and dislikes

  41. 正确答案:D

  本题题干中的 "before taking a job"将本题的答案信息圈定在第一段第一句。第一句的含义是:一旦你开始工作,公司机构的约束会影响工资的向上浮动,因此,人们最好在开始工作之前与公司机构协商好工资要求。故选项D是正确答案。选项C是最大的干扰项,其含义是:人们应该尽可能多要工资,这与原文第一句不符,同时也不符合常理。

  42. 正确答案: B

  本题题干中的 "Beth's story"将本题答案信息圈定在第一段结尾处。第一段尾句是 "Consider Beth's story",含义等于 "Take Beth's story for example"。考生都知道如果遇到 "example"一词,一般只要读其前面一句就可以得出答案,而无需读其后面的内容。在本题中,我们只需读第一段倒数第二句,而无需读第三段。第一段倒数第二句的含义是:谁要求的多,谁得到的就多(会哭的孩子有奶吃),这一点不仅体现在工资提升方面,还体现在其它方面。故选项B是正确答案。

  43. 正确答案: A

  本题是本文五道题中的第三题,按顺序类推应该在第三段。第三段的含义是:如果我们都能够按能力自然而然地取得相应的工资增长就好了(nice),但是 "nice"(这种好的理想状态)并不是大多数公司组织的特点。如果你认为你应该提升工资,你就应该提出相应的要求。从第三段所表述的含义中可以推断出大多数公司组织不能作到按员工的能力给员工自动晋升工资,其结果是:会哭的孩子有奶吃。故选项A是正确选项。选项B中的 "most people"在原文中没有提到。选项C的内容在原文中也未涉及。而选项D的内容与第三段内容恰恰相反。

  44. 正确答案: D

  本题题干中的 "to get a pay raise"将本题的答案信息圈定在本文第四段尾句,因为该句含有 "to get the pay raise you want"。该句的含义是:在工资晋升决定做出之前,如果你能给你的老板提供其所需之物(例如:一个新客户或者一个大定单),你就有可能得到工资提升。故选项D是正确选项。

  45. 正确答案:C

  本题题干中的 "negotiations"将本题的答案信息圈定在全文的尾段。尾段只有一句话,阐述人们在进入(提高工资的)谈判协商时所应做好的两个准备(prepared):其一是准备(prepared)在适宜的时间把筹码摆到桌面上,其二是准备(prepared)使用交流方式来引导(谈判协商的)互动方向。显然,原文中的第二个 "prepared"的内容决定了选项C是正确答案。选项A是干扰项,文中并没有提到在适宜的时间见老板,而是在适宜的时间拿出自己的筹码。选项B(按时到达谈判桌)和选项D(熟悉老板的好恶)的内容均未涉及。

  46.I don't know the restaurant, but it's _______ to be quite a good one.

  A.said B.told C.spoken D.talked

  47. Being much too fat, Maria was advised to reduce her food for each meal, yet she would _______ that.

  A.have none of B.accept C.take care of D.listen to

  48. —When will you come to see me, Dad

  —I will go to see you when you _______ the training course.

  A.will have finished B.will finis C.are finishing D.finish

  46. 正确答案:A

  在这个句子中it作形式主语,to do sth.作真正的主语.it's said的意思是"据说".

  47. 正确答案:A

  have none of置之不理.由于太肥胖,有人劝告Maria每顿饭少吃一些食物,但她置之不理.accept接受;take care of关心;listen to听.



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