
2002年Text 3(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 13:12   新浪考试

  One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand. A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline. The Economist’s commodity price index is broadly unchanging from a year ago. In 1973 commodity prices jumped by 70%, and in 1979 by almost 30%.

  55. From the text we can see that the writer seems

  [A] optimistic

  [B] sensitive.

  [C] gloomy.

  [D] scare

  [答案] A


  文章从第三段开始到最后都在分析为什么“there are good reasons to expect the economic consequences now to be less severe than in the 1970s”(我们有充分的理由预期这次油价暴涨给经济带来的影响不会像20世纪70年代那么严重),三、四、五三段分析了为什么人们不必如此担心的理由,可见作者对于这次石油价格波动的结果是持乐观态度的,正确答案为A。B答案与文章的总体态度没有关系,而C、D选项都与原文的总体基调相反。


  从文章中可以判断作者的态度看上去是 。

  [A] 乐观的

  [B] 敏感的

  [C] 忧虑的

  [D] 害怕的

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