

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 14:36   清华在线

  Questions 16—20 are based on the following passage:

  A mother dolphin (海豚) chats with her baby over the telephone! They were in separate tanks connected by a special underwater audio link. “It seemed clear that they knew who they were talking with,” says Don White, whose Project Delphis ran the experiment. But what were they saying?

  Scientists think dolphins “talk” about everything from basic facts like their age to their emotional state. “I speculate that they say things like ‘there are some good fish over here,’ or ‘watch out for that shark because he’s hunting,’” says Denis Herzing, who studies dolphins in the Bahamas.

  Deciphering (译解) “dolphin speak” is also tricky because their language is so dependent on what they’re doing, whether they’re playing, fighting, or going after tasty fish. During fights, for example, dolphins clap (碰撞) their jaws to say “Back off!” But their jaws clap while playing, too, as if to show who’s king of the underwater playground.

  16. How did the mother dolphin talk with her baby over the telephone?

  A. Two connected tanks were separated for the talk.

  B. A clear voice could be heard in the two separate tanks.

  C. Both the mother dolphin and the baby knew each other.

  D. AS special underwater audio link was sep up for the talk

  17. Dolphins seem to talk to each other about any of the following EXCEPT ______.

  A. their age B. audio link

  C. food sources D. their emotional state

  18. Why is it challenging to interpret “dolphin speak”?

  A. Because playing and fighting are part of dolphins’ life.

  B. Because dolphins like to talk about their language.

  C. Because dolphins’ language heavily relies on their actions.

  D. Because tasty fish are difficult for dolphins to catch.

  19. A dolphin might be saying “________” when it claps its jaws.

  A. Go back to your home! B. I am the king here!

  C. Who is playing here? D. Show me who the king is!

  20. When scientists describe dolphins’ communicative skills, their tone is rather ________.

  A. affirmative B. negative

  C. playful D. speculative

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