

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 14:36   清华在线

  Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage:

  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced plans to return people to the moon by 2018. “And this time,” according to a NASA press release, “we’re going to stay.”

  NASA wants to make a new spaceship for the missions using parts from the Apollo program, which first took people to the moon in 1969, and the space shuttle. NASA says the new Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) will be “affordable, reliable, and sage.”

  The CEV will be able to hold four astronauts. The plan is to have the CEV dock (对接) in space with the lunar lander---the vehicle astronauts will use to land on the moon---which will be launched separately into space. The CEV will then travel to the moon and all four astronauts will walk on the moon.

  The first moon missions are expected to last up to seven days. Exploration and construction of a moon base will be the astronauts’ top priorities (最优先考虑的事). NASA hopes to have a minimum of two moon missions a year stating in 2018. This will allow for quick moon base construction, constant scientific study, and training for future missions to Mars.

  16. What is new in NASA’s plan to return to the moon by 2018?

  A. People will land and remain on the moon.

  B. Equipment will be carried and installed there.

  C. More CEVs will be made regularly.

  D. A special device will be used in landing.

  17. How will NASA make its new spaceship?

  A. It will base its design on that of the Apollo program.

  B. It will use parts only from the Apollo program.

  C. It will make use of the Apollo program and the space shuttle.

  D. It will develop new designs and make new components.

  18. How will CEV and the moon lander be launched?

  A. They will be launched separately.

  B. CEV will dock with the moon lander.

  C. They will be launched together.

  D. The moon lander will hold four astronauts.

  19. What will be the astronauts’ top priorities?

  A. Entering the orbit and landing on the moon.

  B. Landing and walking on the moon surface.

  C. Exploration and researches into the moon composition.

  D. Exploration and construction of a moon base.

  20. The reason why NASA hopes to carry out at least two moon missions a year starting in 2018 is to ________.

  A. ensure the moon traveling and the moon base construction

  B. speed up the moon base construction and other activities

  C. guarantee the quality of the researchers’ scientific study

  D. set up new training laboratories for future missions to Mars

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