

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 14:36   清华在线

  Questions 21—25 are based on the following passage:

  An American company has started testing a new program aimed at increasing security. Three workers from CityWatcher.com, a company that provides security camera equipment, have volunteered to be electronically monitored. They will have a silicon chip put inside their arms. The tiny device is the size of a grain of rice and will send out radio signals. These will provide information to a central monitoring system that will give the workers access to secure areas of the workplace. The chips were originally designed for medical purposes.

  Sean Darks, CEO of CityWatcher, said the chips were like identity cards. He said the only difference is that they are inserted inside the person’s body. He added they are very different from Global Positioning Satellite technology, which allows people’s location to be monitored. Mr. Darks insisted that they were not dangerous and even decided to have a chip implanted in his own body. However, many people are worried about the issue of privacy. Many believe the technology could be abused and that new laws will have to be made. Mr. Darks said his workers always choose to have the chips removed.

  21. This passage is mainly about _______.

  A. the test of a new security program

  B. the increasing security of U.S. companies

  C. a new central monitoring system

  D. Global Positioning Satellite technology

  22. The three workers from CityWatcher. Com have _______.

  A. volunteered to provide security camera equipment

  B. offered to be monitored in the new security program

  C. agreed to have silicon chips planted in their brain

  D. had access to secure areas of their workplace

  23. Which of the following is NOT true about the silicon chips in trial?

  A. They are as tiny as a grain of rice.

  B. They will send out radio signals.

  C. They will be developed for medical uses.

  D. They function like identity cards.

  24. The chips are different from the Global Positioning Satellite technology in that _______.

  A. they allow people’s location to be monitored

  B. they are inserted into a person’s body as ID cards

  C. they provide information to a central monitoring system

  D. they bring more danger to the carriers

  25. Many people are worried about the silicon chips because _________.

  A. the new technology may introduce on people’s privacy

  B. they cannot get the implanted chips removed

  C. the new laws about the technology might be abused

  D. they are not assured of the effect of the chips

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