
1999年Passage 4 (2)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 19:23   新浪考试

  NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child. Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos ( the earliest stage of human offspring before birth) for research or to knowingly endanger an embryo’ s life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.

  NBAC members also indicated that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. But they were divided on whether to go further by calling for a federal law that would impose a complete ban on human cloning. Shapiro and most members favored an appeal for such legislation, but in a phone interview, he said this issue was still "up in the air."

  64. The panel agreed on all of the following except that__

  [A] the ban on federal funds for human cloning should be made a law

  [B] the cloning of human DNA is not to be put under more control

  [C] it is criminal to use private funding for human cloning

  [D] it would be against ethical values to clone a human being

  [答案] C


  文章第二段最后一句指出“The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question, however, whether to recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning”(但是,专家组尚未就一个关键问题达成一致,即是否建议立法把将私人资金用于克隆人的行为视为犯罪),因此C选项符合该句意思,是正确答案。其他三个选项都是NBAC已经达成共识的内容,其中A选项对应于文章第二段第一句话“NBAC will ask that Clinton’s 90-day ban on federal funds for human cloning be extended indefinitely and possibly that it be made law”(NBAC将要求克林顿总统禁止使用联邦资金克隆人的90天禁令无限期地延长,并且还可能要求将之立法),B选项对应于该段第二句话“But NBAC members are planning to word the recommendation narrowly to avoid new restrictions on research that involves the cloning of human DNA or cells-routine in molecular biology”(但是,NBAC成员们计划在建议的措辞上更为严谨,以避免给克隆人体DNA或细胞等研究带来更多地限制——因为这是分子生物研究中的常规课题),D选项对应于文章第三段第一句话“In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be "morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning”(在5月17日会议上讨论的建议序言草案中,夏皮罗表示,专家组已取得广泛的共识,认为“试图利用成人细胞核去克隆婴儿将是违背道德伦理的”)。

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