
2002年Text 4(5)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 20:02   新浪考试

  [C] reduce drug dosages for their patients.

  [D] prolong the needless suffering of the patients.

  [答案] D


  安纳斯关于文章最后一段的讨论出现在文章最后一段,““Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering," to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse." He says medical licensing boards “must make it clear…that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."”(“不少医生对病人所遭受的毫无必要且可预见的痛苦无动于衷”,乃至于已构成“蓄意虐待病人”。他说,行医资格理事会“必须明确……令人痛苦的死亡可以认定是治疗不当造成的后果,应该吊销行医执照”),B、C选项显然与原文内容不符,因此可以排除。A选项具有一定的迷惑性,但是manage patients incompletely是painful deaths的原因,而painful deaths才是license suspension的原因,因此D才是正确选项。


  乔治•安纳斯可能认为医生应该受到处罚,如果他们 。

  [A] 照顾病人并不尽力

  [B] 为病人提供不必要的药物

  [C] 为病人较少用药量

  [D] 延长病人不必要的痛苦

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