
2005年Text 3(3)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 20:33   新浪考试

  [A] can be modified in their courses.

  [B] are susceptible to emotional changes.

  [C] reflect our innermost desires and fears.

  [D] are a random outcome of neural repairs.

  [答案] A


  本文所对应的信息在文章第一段,“one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control”(这些极其强烈的精神事件不仅可以得到利用,而且还能受到有意识的控制)、“If you don't like it, change it”(如果你不喜欢它,那就改变它)这些句子都说明梦是可以被改变的,而A选项中的modify这个词时change的同义词。B、C、D选项的表述都与第一段的重点内容无关,均可排除。



  [A] 可以在进行过程中得到改变

  [B] 容易受到情感变化的影响

  [C] 反映了我们内心深处的欲望和恐惧

  [D] 是神经修复的随机结果

  33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to

  [A] aggravate in our unconscious mind.

  [B] develop into happy dreams.

  [C] persist till the time we fall asleep.

  [D] show up in dreams early at night.

  [答案] D


  本文的对应信息在文章第三段第二句话,“Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening”(大多数人在前半夜似乎会更容易做恶梦,等到快睡醒前就逐渐变为较愉快的梦),因此A和C选项的表述显然是不对的。至于B选项,文中说上半夜的梦是恶梦,只有会变得happier,这个是相对于原来的恶梦而言的,说明梦境内容开始好转,但并不意味着就是一个好梦。而D选项完全符合文中的意思。

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