
2007年Text 1(3)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 20:43   新浪考试

  [C] introduce the topic of what makes expert performance.

  [D] explain why some soccer teams play better than others.

  [答案] C


  本文第一段采用足球运动员的例子正如新闻写作的传统手法一样,是用来引出文章的主要话题的。文章第二段开头的问句“What might account for this strange phenomenon”( 出现这一奇怪的现象原因是什么呢),即从这一现象切入主题。A和B选项均与第一段内容无关,而D选项只是就事论事,没有从宏观上理解第一段在文中的作用。



  [A] 强调职业训练的重要性

  [B] 聚焦世界杯上的足球巨星

  [C] 介绍专业表现的因素这个话题

  [D] 解释为什么一些足球队比其他足球队表现好

  23. According to Ericsson, good memory

  [A] depends on meaningful processing of information.

  [B] results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises.

  [C] is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors.

  [D] requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration.

  [答案] A


  本题的主要对应信息在文章的第四段。该段第二、三句话指出“In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person "encodes" the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice”( 换句话说,无论两个人天生的记忆力能力存在怎样的差异,这些差异都会被个人如何恰当地“解读”记忆信息所消除。埃里克森确信,了解如何有目的地解读信息的最佳方法就是众所周知的刻意练习过程),四个选项中只有A选项是对这几句话的总结概括,因而是正确答案。B和C选项的表述显然与原文意思相反,可以排除。D选项具有一定的迷惑性,该选项对应于第四段最后一句话“Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome”( 相反,它包括确定明确的目标、获得即时的反馈以及技术与结果的结合等),而选项中的“a high degree of concentration”与文中的“concentrating”(重视)的意思不同,因此D是错误选项。

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