
1994年Passage 5(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月19日 22:57   新浪考试

  Highly creative individuals really do march to a different drummer.

  70. The phrase “march to a different drummer” (the last line of the passage) suggests that highly

  creative individuals are__.

  [A] diligent in pursuing their goals

  [B] reluctant to follow common ways of doing things

  [C] devoted to the progress of science

  [D] concerned about the advance of society

  [答案] B


  题干的词组来自文章最后一句“Highly creative individuals really do march to a different drummer”,这句话是对全文的精确总结,也是对第四段的承接。第四段的最后一句话谈到“The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends”(创新者则会探寻另外不同的道路,而这样的道路将会最终被证实更简单、也一定更有趣、更富挑战性,即使它们通向绝境),也就是说,innovators即那些highly creative individuals都不愿意循规蹈矩,而更愿意开拓新的方法,可见B选项为正确答案。文章最后一句话的意思是“极富创造性的人的确是打着不同的鼓点前进的”。


  “march to a different drummer”这个词组(文章最后一句话)暗示了那些非常具有创造力的人们 。

  [A] 勤奋地追求着他们的目标

  [B] 不愿意用普通的方式做事情

  [C] 献身给了科学进步

  [D] 关心社会的前进

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