
1995年Passage 4(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月19日 23:02   新浪考试

  If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values. Perhaps selection for the caring professions, especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy. It is surely a mistake to choose our doctors exclusively from A-type stock. B’s are important and should be encouraged.

  66. From the passage we can draw the conclusion that__.

  [A] the personality of a child is well established at birth

  [B] family influence dominates the shaping of one` s characteristics .

  [C] the development of one` s personality is due to multiple factors

  [D] B-type characteristics can find no place in competitive society

  [答案] C


  文章第一段的两句“Personality is to a large extent inherent--A-type parents usually bring about A-type offspring. But the environment must also have a profound effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a major factor in the lives of their children”(性格在很大程度上是与生俱来的——A型的父母通常会有A型性格的后代。但是环境也有着深远的影响,因为如果竞争对于父母来说很重要的话,那么竞争也有可能成为孩子生活中的一个重要因素)从两个方面指出了性格的成因,即天生和后天环境的影响。A、B选项都只涉及其中一个方面,应首先排除。C选项很好地概括了原文的要点,是正确答案。而D选项则并不是本文讨论的重点。


  从最后一段我们可以得出以下结论 。

  [A] 儿童的性格在出生的时候就已经形成了

  [B] 家庭的影响对于一个人性格的形成起到了主要的作用

  [C] 一个人性格的发展取决于很多因素

  [D] B型性格的人在现在竞争社会中将无法找到立足之地

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