
2006年Text 1 (2)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 00:57   新浪考试

  Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S –born whites and blacks.” By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian–American women are married to non-Asians.

  Rodriguez note that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “some Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power.”

  Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social induces suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.

  23. The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S.

  [A] are resistant to homogenization.

  [B] exert a great influence on American culture.

  [C] are hardly a threat to the common culture.

  [D] constitute the majority of the population.

  [答案] C





  [A] 反对单一化

  [B] 对美国文化有很大的影响

  [C] 对大众文化几乎没有什么威胁

  [D] 构成人口中的大多数

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