

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 01:50   新浪考试

  [A] A person ignorant of the hard work involved in experimentation.

  [B] A citizen of a society that restricts personal creativity.

  [C] A person who has had no education.

  [D] An individual who often comes up with new ideas by accident.

  68. According to the author, what distinguishes innovators from non-innovators?

  [A] The variety of ideas they have.

  [B] The intelligence they possess.

  [C] The way they deal with problems.

  [D] The way they present their findings.

  69. The author quotes Rudolph Flesch in Paragraph 3 because__.

  [A] Rudolph Flesch is the best-known expert in the study of human creativity

  [B] the quotation strengthens the assertion that creative individuals look for new ways of doing things.

  [C] the reader is familiar with Rudolph Flesch’ s point of view

  [D] the quotation adds a new idea to the information previously presented

  70. The phrase “march to a different drummer” (the last line of the passage) suggests that highly

  creative individuals are__.

  [A] diligent in pursuing their goals

  [B] reluctant to follow common ways of doing things

  [C] devoted to the progress of science

  [D] concerned about the advance of society

  [第67题答案及题解页数] A 第页

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