

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月07日 10:27   北京环球时代学校

  (1)It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.

  [A]America is busy dealing with the Iraq war and the Guantánamo Bay prisoners

  [B]America is interested in stem-cell research

  [C]America despises the global climate-change deal

  [D]America declines to sign the Kyoto protocol

  (2)"Dig one's heels in" in the second paragraph means _______.

  [A]improve by pressure

  [B]judge by oneself

  [C]refuse to change one's mind

  [D]pay more attention to

  (3)Which is NOT the reason that causes the corporate America to change its mind over carbon

  controls ? ________.

  [A]The state regulations are getting strict

  [B]There is an opportunity to profit from new technologies

  [C]Some competitors approve of carbon controls

  [D]The loudest voices are supporting carbon controls

  (4)According to the author, which is NOT a practicable way to reduce carbon emissions in America? _______.

  [A]Imposition of a carbon tax

  [B]Establishment of a cap-and-trade system

  [C]Permission to buy and sell permits to pollute

  [D]Setting a price on carbon

  (5)Because of the Americans' distaste for tax, the author suggests that all of the following should be done EXCEPT that ________.

  [A]a suitable number of permits be offered

  [B]the price for the permits be set

  [C]carbon emissions be tackled in a long-term view

  [D]carbon emissions be loosened after 2012

  (6)The polluters' "windfall profits" (para. 8) stands for _______.

  [A]the privilege granted by the permits

  [B]the unexpected lucky gain from the permits

  [C]the financial support from the federal government

  [D]the illegal interests made by the polluters

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