

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月10日 12:42   北京环球时代学校

  Part OneMultiple Choice Questions (30 Points)

  1.Choose from A, B, C or D the one that is the closest in meaning to the part underlined (20 points, 2 points each).

  1)Even though he knew that his mother had been ill, he did not have the propriety to write her.

  A. decencyB. posterityC. apathyD. eulogy

  2)The constant motion of the earth as it turns on its axis creates the change of the seasons.

  A. perfidiousB. plausible C. perilousD. perpetual

  3)His former employer recommended him highly as having been a very industrious worker.

  A. affluentB. cogentC. diligentD. extinct

  4)His arrogant manner has kept him from being very popular.

  A. waxyB. sleazyC. surlyD. flimsy

  5)The mailman approached the house cautiously because of the vicious dog.

  A. hastilyB. precisely C. warilyD. deliberately

  6)Unorganized guessing will probably not raise your score as significantly as choosing one letter as a "guess answer" for the entire examination.

  A. CrypticB. Haphazard C. LeisureD. Subsequent

  7)The Mono Lisa is the portrait of a woman with a very enticing smile.

  A. oblivious B. luminous C. alluringD. elusive

  8)Electrical energy may be separated into two components specified as positive and negative.

  A. germinated B. designated C. accumulated D. contaminated

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