

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月10日 12:51   北京环球时代学校

  IV. Translation. (55)

  62.Translate the following into Chinese. (30)

  An acquaintance has kindly informed me that there is in the scribbling of mine too much introspection, meditation, reflection. "Go out," quotes he, "into the beautiful world, and write down what you see there." I think he is wrong. There is far too much description done as it is. It is easy to go to a place and easy to write a sort of cataloguing description when one goes. Fitly to describe any visible thing whatever is the work of an artist, I question not. But artists are few and easy work is tempting: it seems well to me that some of us scribblers should sit at home and think. The result may not be magnificent, but there is sufficient rarity in the exercise to give it a sort of an odd flavor which may not be so dull to everybody as to my acquaintance. I always follow advice, however, and so, having received this, I took my hat and went out into the beautiful world, with the intention-----but it really is a base intentionof writing down what I saw there.

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