

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月26日 16:37   新东方


  71) chat, host, hold, pollution, containment;

  72) personality, personnel, personal, relax, relaxation, recreation, digital;

  73) breakthrough, break out, breakout, out-break, outset, take place, discover;

  74) ultimate, terminate, termination, century, millennium, decade, thousands of, hundreds of, for the better part of decade, half, quarter, triple, double;

  75) home, demotic, exotic, apply, apply to, application, appliance, control, operate, operation, cooperation, corporation, company;


  71) condition, situation, circumstance, situate, vary, varying, various, variety, variety of, expert;

  72) obvious, ambiguous, be bound up with, bind, efficient, efficiency, industry, agriculture, horticulture, in turn, effort, all kinds;

  73) owing to, remarkable, mass, communication, community, expose, be exposed to, introduce, for the reason given above;

  74) pattern, spread, or so;

  75) stress, migrate, migration, arise from, arise, rise, give rise to, raise,


  71) while, almost, historian, history, practice, conform, conform to, inform, uniform, attempt;

  72) valid, validate, validity, discipline, code, rule, intern, extern, quarrel, among;

  73) transfer, transparent, augment, argument, design, interpret, interpretation, evidence, evident;

  74) agreement, refer to, in general, generally, generally speaking, largely, appropriate, inappropriate;

  75) equal, equally, equate, equate…with, source, resource, activity, animate, animation;

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