

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月05日 14:52   清华在线

  1.spectacle n. 场景,景象,奇观

  例句1.Christmas has become a commercialized spectacle.

  例句2.This spectacle drove me back immediately.

  例句3.Viewed from the top of the mountain, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.

  spectacular a 壮观的

  例句4.Many people crowded on the square to see the spectacular display of fire works.

  Spectator n. 观众,旁观者

  Spectrum n. 光谱,领域,范围

  Speculation n. 深思,推测. 投机

  speculate calculate

  例句5.Brice began to speculate about how to spend the weekend.

  例句6.Speculation is a dangerous way of making fortune.

  2.sphere n. 球,球体;n. 范围,领域

  例句7.The sphere of influence of the product goes beyond the country.


  3.spice n. 香料,调味品;n. 趣味,情趣


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