

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月09日 11:23   海天教育

  16. Be a Graduate Student or Not

  According to the reform of our educational system, postgraduates will have to pay tuition to colleges or universities. This brings a dilemma to many undergraduates – to be a postgraduate or to get employed.

  The main reason for the dilemma is that, on the one hand, they know their parents can’t afford the tuition, and they don’t like to see their parents take on further financial burden for them. During the four-year undergraduate study, their parents have already paid a lot of money for their education and living. Especially the students whose parents are farmers or laid-off workers are more worried about this. But on the other hand, they want to pursue study further, to learn more knowledge and skills in order to make greater contribution to the society in the future.

  In my opinion, they should get out of the difficult situation and go on with their study as postgraduates. As far as the tuition is concerned, they can always find some ways to fund it. They can do some part-time jobs in their spare time, or loan some money from their relatives or friends or simply banks. They can also try to obtain some scholarship by studying hard and doing well in their research work.

  So don’t hesitate, study hard and try to become a graduate student. The future will be more promising.

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