

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 14:18   清华在线

  21.stand v. 站立, v. 座落,位于 v. 经受,忍受;n. 台,座

  ²stand by—support

  例句15.A good friend is one who will stand by you when you are in trouble.

  ²Stand up for 为…辩护,支持某人

  ²Stand for 代表,代替,意味着, mean, represent

  ²Stand up to 勇敢地面对, 坚持抵抗 face up to 经得起,resist

  例句16.Women have significant advantages over men in space because they need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to a radiation better.

  例句17.I believe that you are innocent of the crime and I’ll stand _____you anywhere. A. up to B. up for C. out D. for

  ²Standard n. 标准,规格 norm

  ²Standardize v. 标准化

  ²Standpoint n. 立场,观点

  22.staple n. 主要产品; n. 订书钉

  23.starvation n. 饥饿,饿死

  ²Starve v. 饿死,饿得慌

  ²startle 大吃一惊, v.

  例句18.You did startle me.

  24.state n. 国家,州;n. 情况,状态 condition

  v. 声明,陈述

  ²statement; n. 陈述,声明; n. 财务报表

  ²Statesman n. 政治家,国务活动家 politician

  25.station n. 车站; n. 站,局,所 ;n. 身份,地位

  ²stationary 固定的,定点的

  ²Stationery n. 文具

  例句19.A very large cat was watching us intently from the top of the ______ car. A. motionless B. stationary C. stationery D. static

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