

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月11日 19:46   点点英语

  Section I Use of English

  1. B) Consider

  2. A) tended

  3. D) dimmer

  4. B) advantage

  5. C) turns out

  6. A) off

  7. D) gradual

  8. C) stop

  9. B) limited

  10. D) backward

  11. D) costs

  12. B) on

  13. C) perform

  14. D) for instance

  15. A) if

  16. C) determine

  17. B) for

  18. A) Above all

  19. A) fundamental

  20. C) So far

  Section II Reading Comprehension

  Part A

  21. C) mechanical

  22. D) guided

  23. A) tracks

  24. A) prevents new habits from being formed

  25. D) curiosity activates creative minds

  26. A) easy availability

  27. C) identify parent-kid kinship

  28. D) achieve the claimed accuracy

  29. A) disorganized data collection

  30. B) DNA tests and its problems

  31. D) has been overestimated

  32. B) takes efforts of generations

  33. B) the Japanese workforce is more productive

  34. C) when people no longer went hungry

  35. C) follows improved productivity

  36. B) intellectual interests were encouraged

  37. B) brought with them the culture of the Old World

  38. D) created a new intellectual atmosphere in New England

  39. A) influenced by superstitions.

  40. C) came from different backgrounds

  Part B

  41. C)

  42. E)

  43. A)

  44. B)

  45. G)

  Part C 略

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