

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月15日 11:22   北文考研

  1. 词语含义的理解

  [1] Common sense is the measure of the possible;it is composed of experience and prevision;it is calculation applied to life。

  ☆ 常识是对可能性的衡量;它由经验和预见构成;它是应用在生活中的度量衡。

  [2] If the failures of this world could realize how desperate half the present-day geniuses once felt,they would take heart and try again。

  ☆ 世上的失败者若能了解到当今的天才曾经有半数一度感到过多绝望,他们就会振作精神,再次努力。

  [3] Intellectual endowments,internal drive,diligent working attitude and  indomitable spirit all are prerequisites of the success of scientific research。

  ☆ 聪明的天资、内在的动力、勤奋的工作态度和不屈不挠的精神,这些都是科学研究成功的前提。

  2. 反义词的理解

  [4] The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the would to himself。

  ☆ 明白事理的人使自己适应世界,不明事理的人硬要世界适应自己。

  3. 派生词的理解

  [5] Increased means and increased leisure are the two civilizers of man。

  ☆ 越来越多的工具和越来越多的闲暇是使人们获得文明的两个要素。

  [6] To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.                      

  ☆ 为做一件事情考虑太久常常做不成这件事。

  [7] We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never either so wretched or so happy as we say we are。

  ☆ 不幸和幸福被我们同样夸大了。我们从不像我们所说的那么痛苦,也从不那么快乐。

  4. 比喻含意的理解

  [8] Originality is unexplored territory. You get there by carrying a canoe—you can’t take a taxi。

  ☆ 创新是未开交的区域,你要到达那儿,只能独自去闯,不能搭便车。

  5. 对比关系的理解

  [9] It may be more comfortable to never make mistakes,but those men who, in their urge to be right once,make a thousand mistakes,are more useful to humanity。

  ☆ 永不犯错固然很好,但那些为了一次正确,而不惜犯一千次错误的人对大类更有用。

  [10] Most arts require long study and application, but the most useful of all, that of pleasing, requires only the desire。

  ☆ 绝大多数艺术家需要长久的学习和实践,而最有用的艺术,即取悦人的艺术,自需要有此愿望。

  [11] Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.                   

  ☆ 真正的勇气是在开始之前你就知道已经败了,但仍然着手去做,而且不管发生什么事都把它做到底。

  [12]  It is seldom very hard to do one’s duty when one knows what it is,but it is often exceedingly difficult to find this out.                             

  ☆ 在知道自己的责任时时尽责往往并不困难,但弄清责任何在常常极其费力。

  [13]  It is not money,as is sometimes said,but the love of money—the excessive,selfish,covetous love of money,that is the root of all evil。

  ☆ 全钱并非如人们有时所说的那样是万恶之源。对金钱的追求一过度的、自私的、贪婪的追求,才是真正的根源。

  [14]  What is called a great master is a person who sees with his own eyes what others have seen, but he can find beauty in the common sights.   →V+A+O

  ☆ 所谓大师就是这样的人,他以自己的眼睛看别人看到过的东西,但是能够从常见的东西中发现美。

  [15] The drop of rain makes a hole in the stone,not by violence,but by the frequency of falling。

  ☆ 滴水穿石靠的不是强力,而是不断的下落。

  [16] The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,but to be indifferent to them. That’s the essence of inhumanity。

  ☆ 我们对作为同类的其他人所犯下的最大罪过不是憎恨,而是漠不关心,那是不近人情的本质。

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