

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月17日 17:23   北文考研


  1.As for what can be done,Boyer argues that colleges should raise their standards of language proficiency by requiring a written essay of incoming freshmen。

  [参考译文]  至于该如何提高学生的语言水平,博依埃认为大学应该要求入学新生提交一篇书面文章。

  [结构分析]  该句的主干结构是:Boyer argues that...; As for what can be done是介词短语,作范围状语;that从句的主语是colleges,谓语是should raise,宾语是their standards,of language proficiency作standards的后置定语,by requiring a written essay作方式状语,of incoming freshmen作essay的后置定语。

  [知识链接]  as for..。就……而论;argue主张,认为;standard标准;language proficiency语言水平;essay文章;incoming即将到来的,新来的;freshmen大一新生。

  2.The editor and staff of the newspaper at first thought that the two figures most of their readers would choose would be Jesus Christ and Shakespeare。

  [参考译文]  起先,报纸的编辑和工作人员以为大多数读者会选的两个人是耶稣基督和莎士比亚。

  [结构分析]  这个句子的主干结构是:The editor and staff of the newspaper.., thought that...; that引导的宾语从句的主语是the two figures,谓语是would be,表语是Jesus Christ and Shakespeare,most of their readers would choose是主语two figures的定语从句,前面省略了连接词that。

  [知识链接]  editor编辑;staff。工作人员(集合名词);at first,起先;figure人物;Jesus Christ耶稣基督;Shakespeare莎士比亚(16世纪英国大文豪)。

  3.Americans today believe,erroneously,that acceptable social behavior follows effortlessly and naturally from personal virtue。

  [参考译文]  如今的美国人错误地认为只要具有个人美德就会毫不费力地、自然地产生可接受的社会行为。

  [结构分析]  该句的主干结构是Americans...believe...that...;today作Americans的后置定语,erroneously作believe的状语;that引导的宾语从句的主语是acceptable social behavior,谓语是follows,并列副词effortlessly and naturally和介词短语from personal virtue均作follows的状语。

  [知识链接]  erroneously错误地(源自error);acceptable可接受的;effortlessly毫不费力地(源自effort);virtue美德。

  4. Her parents had impressed upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to moot her。


  [结构分析]  这个句子的主干结构是;Her parents had impressed.., that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends to make two journeys...; upon her是范围状语,that引导的宾语从句比较复杂,其主干结构是it would be unforgivable,“是形式主语,指代后面的并列不定式to miss it and cause,.+其中cause前省略了to,miss it中的it指代上文的train,with whom she was going to stay是介词with+关系代词whom的定语从句模式,修饰前面的friends,不定式to make two journeys作friends的宾补,不定式to meet her作make two journeys的目的状语。

  [知识链接]  impressed upon her that = impress that upon sb。向某人强调……;unforgivable不可原谅的;cause sb.to do sth让某人做某事;make two journeys跑两趟。

  5. On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying。


  [结构分析]  该句的主干结构是:many acknowledge that the.., debate has been fueled...; On another level作状语,in the medical community作many的定语,that引导的宾语从句相对复杂,assisted-suicide是主语debate的定语,in part作谓语has been fueled的程度状语,for whom...dying是介词for+关系代词whom的定语从句模式,修饰前面的patients,该定语从句的主语是modern medicine,谓语是has prolonged,宾语是the physical agony of dying。

  [知识链接]On another level另一方面;medical community医疗界;acknowledge承认;assisted-suicide医生辅助性自杀(即安乐死);fuel燃料,(v。)添燃料(引申为升温,加剧);in part部分地;prolong延长;agony痛苦。

  6.The ideals of chivalry,which emphasized the virtue and gentleness of women,demanded that a knight should profess a pure and dedicated love to a lady who would be his inspiration,and to whom he would dedicate his valiant deeds。

  [参考译文]  理想的骑士风度提倡妇女的美德与温柔,要求骑士为自己钟爱的女±表达一种纯真执着的爱。这位女士鼓舞他奋勇向前,他可以为她赴汤蹈火。

  [结构分析]  这个句子可切分为三大部分:The ideals of chivalry, (which emphasized the virtue and gentleness of women,) demanded that a knight should profess a pure and dedicated love to a lady (who would be his inspiration, and to whom he would dedicate his valiant deeds. ),括号外的内容是主句,主干结构是The ideals of chivalry demanded that…,that引导的宾语从句的主语是a knight,谓语是should profess,宾语是a pure and dedicated 1ove,介词短语to a lady作profess的状语;两个括号里的内容是定语从句,第十个定语从句修饰The ideals,其主语是which,谓语是emphasized,宾语是the virtue and gentleness of women;第二个定语从句由两部分组成,即who would be..and to whom...,第一部分的主语是who,谓语是would be,表语是his inspiration,第二部分的主语是he,指代前面的knight,谓语是would dedicate,宾语是his valiant deeds。

  [知识链接]  ideal理想;chivalry骑土制度;virtue美德;gentleness温柔;knight骑土;profess宣称,表达;dedicated执着的,专注的;inspiration鼓舞的力量,灵感;dedicate sth. to sb。把……奉献给某人;valiant英勇的。

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