

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年07月02日 14:19   海天教育



  At that moment a heavy and measured sound began to be audible at some distance. Jean Valjean risked a glance round the corner of the street. Seven or eight soldiers, drawn up in a platoon, had just debouched into the Rue Polonceau. He saw the gleam of their bayonets. They were advancing towards him; these soldiers, at whose head he distinguished Javert's tall figure, advanced slowly and cautiously. They halted frequently; it was plain that they were searching all the nooks of the walls and all the embrasures of the doors and alleys。

  This was some patrol that Javert had encountered--there could be no mistake as to this surmise--and whose aid he had demanded.Javert's two acolytes were marching in their ranks。

  At the rate at which they were marching, and in consideration of the halts which they were making, it would take them about a quarter of an hour to reach the spot where Jean Valjean stood. It was a frightful moment. A few minutes only separated Jean Valjean from that terrible precipice which yawned before him for the third time. And the galleys now meant not only the galleys, but Cosette lost to him forever; that is to say, a life resembling the interior of a tomb.There was but one thing which was possible。

  Jean Valjean had this peculiarity, that he carried, as one might say, two beggar's pouches: in one he kept under his feet and elbows. Half a minute had not elapsed when he was resting on his knees on the wall。

  Cosette gazed at him in stupid amazement, without uttering a word. Jean Valjean's injunction, and the name of Madame Thenardier, had chilled her blood。

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