

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年09月16日 18:09   北京环球时代学校


  Meanwhile the wineglasses had flushed yellow and flushed crimson; had been emptied; had been filled. And thus by degrees was lit, halfway down the spine ,which is the seat of the soul, not that hard little electric light which we call brilliance, as it pops in and out upon our lips, but the more profound, subtle, and subterranean glow, which is the rich yellow flame of rational intercourse. No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself。

  2.Translate the following passages into English。


  Ⅵ. Writing (20 points)

  Directions: In this part you should write a composition of no less than 300 words

  Language, Literature and life


  Ⅰ Vocabulary

  (1). Directions: There are fifteen incomplete sentences with one word or two words missing in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence。(30 points)

  1.【A】 2.【A】 3. 【B】 4.【D】5.【A】 6.【A】 7.【C】8.【D】 9. 【D】 10.【A】 11.【B】

  12. 【B】

  13. 【D】 14.【C】 15. 【A】 16.【C】17. 【B】 18. 【A】

  19. 【D】 20. 【A】 21 【B】

  22. 【A】23. 【D】

  24.【B】 25. 【B】26. 【A】 27. 【D】 28. 【D】 29. 【C】 30. 【C】

  (2)Directions: There are ten sentences in this part with one word or phrase underlined in each sentence. From the four choices given, choose one that best explains or defines the underlined part in each sentence。

  1. 【C】 2. 【D】  3. 【C】4. 【A】5.  【D】

  Ⅱ. Identify errors in the following sentences and correct them。

  (1) raise应改为raising。

  (2) besides改成but。

  (3) “in world”应改为“in the world”。

  (4)both之前加of 。

  (5) “should bring”改为“should have brought”

  (6) which改为as

  (7) “much though”不合语法习惯,应改为“much as”

  (8) while改为though。

  (9)把本题改为I forgot about doing it。

  (10)把“isn’t this”改为 “isn’t it”。

  Ⅲ Cloze Test

  1.【C】 2.【A】3.【B】 4. 【D】 5. 【C】 6. 【C】 7.【D】 8.【A】 9. 【A】 10【B】 11【A】 12【C】 13【B】 14【D】 15【C】 16【A】 17【B】 18【C】19. 【D】 20.【D】

  Ⅳ. Read the following four passages and answer the questions after each passage. (20%, 2 points for each question)

  Passage one




  Passage 2








  Passage Three

  13. 【A】



  16 【D】

  17 【D】


  1. Two Chinese-English Translation (30 points)

  Translate the following passages into Chinese. Give the number of each passage in your answer sheet。

  Passage 1  



  Passage 2



  2. Translate the following passages into English。


  People from Peiping often wonder why Shanghailanders should choose to live in such a lousy place. They say life here is so full of tension, the air so foul, and trees so scarce, and so on and so forth. I wonder if the apparent loss of moonlight might as well be listed among their reasons for staying away from this city. But I would think otherwise, for it doesn’t make sense to call enjoyment of moonlight one of the requisites of life. Open heart and wide vision do not necessarily come of watching the moon. The same can be achieved in self-cultivation, and that in a more practical way, by looking earthward instead of skyward. Nevertheless, I’m not opposed to watching the moon. I only mean it doesn’t matter at all if you see no moon。



  Language, Literature and Life

  No one in the world is luckier than I am, for I am a student of English language and literature. With this privilege, I am able to enjoy the beauty of language, wander in the world of literature, and have a deep understanding of life. The great influence they have exerted on me, in turn, helps me get a close and clear comprehension about the relationship among them。

  First things first, I can not imagine what the human life would be without language. It is a design figure which distinguishes men from animals, promoting the development of human history and creating the modern civilization. Suppose we went back to the prehistoric age, in which no language was available, the basic communication would become a big problem, let alone talking about the creation of literature or the record of human history. Life, in this period, is just to survive or repeat the simple life circle, which is meaningless and have no difference from that of other creatures. In this sense, no language , no life, no civilization。

  Secondly, just as language has left significant influence on the human history, so do the literature. Bible, Shakespeare and works of Greek and Roman, the three sources of language, have greatly enriched our language, enlightened our mind and dramatically changed our life. The Adam’s apple, Pandora’s box and tit for tat, the language in Bible; the famous characters Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Julia in Shakespeare’s masterpieces ; the legend of Helen and Achilles Heel in Greek’s works , all of them are familiar to us as the pulsation in our blood. Therefore, if there were no literature, our language would have been much poorer and our life more colorless and boring。

  Also, life has provided fertile soil for the language and literature. On one hand, with the advance of society, new terms and idioms have entered our language, such as computer, avian flu, terrorist, long time no see, as rich as Bill Gates, SAS, HINI . By absorbing everything new, language can always be able to keep its pace with the time. On the other hand, life is an exhaustible magic box for literature creation. Fiction, poem, essay, prose or drama, all can be viewed as a recreation of real life in this way or another. Just as an American writer put it:“All literature is a kind of reflection of life , a mirror of life。”How can one deny that the purely invented man, Hamlet, is not as vivid as Napoleon or Barack Obama. Once language and literature have lost its ability to accept new things in life, they would have become a pool of still water. Only constant moving can keep their freshness and vitality。

  It is never too exaggerate to emphasis the close connections among the three. The benefit of language and literature to life is what necessary nutrition is to human beings. Life, in return, contributes a lot to prepare rich and colorful materials for language and literature. As for me, by learning language and literature, I have learnt much more of the logic of life and enjoy my life in the process of appreciating beauty。

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