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Simulated Test Two

试卷一  Paper One

(90 minutes)

Part  Ⅰ    Dialogue Communication (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 for each)

Section A   Dialogue Completion  

    Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

    1 A: Oh, Professor Cohen is at a conference at the moment, but if you leave your phone number he may call you back when he returns.

      B:              Thank you for your help.

A. This is his student speaking.

B. Can you take a message?

C. I’m afraid I can’t.

D. My phone number is 2745301.

2. A: Did you speak to the famous star?

   B:              , but I was unable to speak when I was face to face with him.

    A. Yes, I did.                      B. I wanted to,

    C. No, I didn’t.                   D. Sure thing,

    3 A: My history assignment’s due tomorrow morning and I haven’t even started it yet.

      B:                       .

A. I’ll miss you at the party tonight.

B. Just forget it and go to the party.

C. Why don’t you put it off till next week?

D. Professor Jones will punish you seriously.

    4. A: Now you are in the new company, you may need to buy some new clothes.

      B:              , nobody cares what I wear.

    A. However I work hard,                 B. As long as I work hard,

    C. Although I work hard,                 C. If only I could work hard,

    5. A: I saw a really wonderful movie on TV last night. Did you see it?

       B:                                               .

A. Wow, I will see a wonderful one tomorrow.

B. Oh, no! I wish I had known about it.

C. Come on, I’ve seen a better one.

D. Sorry, I have no interest in it.

Section  B  Dialogue Comprehension  

    Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer to the question by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

    6. M: Why don’t you tell your boss that you are going to work in a new company? He knows nothing about it.

      W: I don’t want to burn my bridges at this time. I’ll tell him when all is set.

      Q: Why doesn’t the woman want to tell her boss now?

      A. She wants to leave a way out.

      B. She doesn’t trust her boss.

      C. She wants to repay her boss.

      D. She wants to stay with her boss as long as possible.

    7 W: There are many summer programs, but I don’t know what activities my daughter should take part in.

      M: You can talk with the teacher and other children’s parents and follow suit.

    Q: What does the man suggest the woman do when choosing summer programs for her daughter?

      A. She should let her daughter decide.

      B. She should choose what the teacher is interested in.

      C. She should make the same choice as the other parents.

      D. She should choose what she is interested in.

    8  M: Did you see the car accident at the street corner?

       W: Yes, I went cold all over. The two boys were seriously injured and they were sent to the hospital immediately.

       Q: How did the woman respond when she saw the car accident?

    A. She felt very cold because of the weather.

    B. She was frightened by the scene.

    C. She sent the two boys to the hospital.

    D. She went to help the injured immediately.

    9 M: Do you know that Jerry turned down the job offer by the company?

      W: Yeah, the hours were convenient but he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.

  Q: Why did Jerry refuse to take the job?

  A. The working hours were too long.

  B. The job was not well-paid.

  C. He didn’t like working in a company.

  D. The job was quite difficult.

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