Weight loss remains a major health issue for many of us despite the onslaught of weight loss tips and medical aids that surround us. Most of the contemporary solutions border on providing unrealistic weight loss solutions or are too time-consuming. Drastic dieting is never recommended since it can leave you malnourished and damage your body in an unredeemable manner. In order to lose weight naturally, i.e. without using any magic pill or gymming like a maniac, use the following tips: 对很多人来说,尽管身边减肥的妙招和医疗辅助器材层出不穷,但是减肥依然是一大健康问题。目前大部分的减肥方案要么是太不切实际,要么是太耗时间。不推荐快速减肥,因为那样会让你营养不良,并会伤害你的身体,以后也无法弥补。想要自然地减肥,不吃任何魔法药丸或不想疯狂健身,可以采用下面的建议: Consider Whole Grains As Your Friends 把全谷类食物作为朋友 Try to eat a larger concentration of foods made from whole grains (rotis, whole wheat breads, cookies and oatmeal) rather than refined or processed foods. Whole grains are more complex for the body to metabolize, taking a longer digestion route. This keeps the body busy for a longer period, ensuring that energy is released throughout the day. This helps to decrease the frequency and intensity of hunger pangs, particularly the sugar cravings. 吃一些富含谷物成分的食物(roti面包,全麦面包,饼干和燕麦)而不是精制或加工过的食物。全谷类食物的代谢较为复杂,需要较长时间才能消化。这样会让身体在较长的一段时间内忙着消化食物,并能保证能量可以在全天得以释放。这会有助于减少饥饿感频度和强度,尤其是对糖分摄入的渴求。 Psychological Preparedness 做好心理准备 Don’t be shy about your weight loss goals. In fact, use the people around you to your advantage. Announce it amongst your friends and family that they should thwart you every time you are headed for a bit piece of creamy cake or a cheese-loaded pizza. 不要因为减肥而感到害羞。事实上,可以让身边的人来帮你减肥。告诉你的朋友和家人,让他们在每当你想拿奶油蛋糕或含有奶酪的披萨时都要阻止你。 Know Your Food 了解食物 You need to be more alert when picking up packaged food items. Remember that non-saturated fats and essential fatty acids are the good kind of fats that your body needs for its basic functions. Food items bearing labels of low-fat or low-sugar might not necessarily contain lesser calories. Instead, try to make smarter substitutions. For instance, you can choose eggless baked items and juices without sugar. 在选择包装好的食物时要更加警惕。请记住,非饱和脂肪酸和必需脂肪酸是对身体有益的脂肪,身体需要它们来完成基本的功能。标着低脂或低糖食物,卡路里含量不一定就少。你可以做出更加明智的选择。比如,你可以选择不加鸡蛋的烘烤食品或不加糖的果汁。 Use Water As A Weight Loss Tool 把水当减肥的工具 Try to drink water every time you get hungry or you are about to have a meal, i.e. just before a major meal like a lunch or dinner. This is a simple and effective way of instantly quenching your hunger to a certain extent. More water also raises the metabolic rate or the rate at which the body uses calories, meaning you are losing more calories per hour. 每次在你感到饿了或要吃饭的时候(比如在午饭或晚饭前)可以喝点儿水。这种方法既简单又有效,可以立刻在一定程度上减轻你的饥饿感。多喝水也会提升新陈代谢率,或身体利用能量的频度,也就是说,你每个小时会消耗更多的卡路里。 Manipulate Yourself To Reduce Food Intake 训练自己减少食物的摄入量 Try to eat slowly, breaking your food into more bites. This will ensure that you derive more pleasure out of each bite, allowing each morsel to provide more satiety, ensuring your calorie intake at the dining table remain limited. Rather than taking single, big servings, try to take numerous small servings. This helps to establish the perception that you have been serving yourself repeatedly and also makes you more conscious about the amount of food you are about to consume. 细嚼慢咽。这会让你每一口都会获得更多的乐趣,让你每吃一口都会有更多的饱腹感,这样你在餐桌上获取的卡路里含量就得到了控制。不要一次吃大分量的食物,而要一次少吃一点儿,多吃几次。这会让你觉得自己在不断地吃东西,会让你意识到你所消耗的食物量。 Overcome Your Snacking Habits 改掉吃零食的习惯 Snacking is perhaps the biggest sin a dieter can commit. To ensure that you stay away from the urge to bite into a chocolate or cookie, keep your mouth busy with sugar-free chewing gum. Try to sip iced or hot herbal teas prepared with minimal amount of sugar throughout the day. These are low cal aids that help to establish the feeling of feeding yourself without consuming too many calories, preventing the urge to snack. 吃零食是节食者会犯的最大错误。确保自己远离巧克力或饼干,可以在嘴里嚼无糖口香糖。喝冰镇的或者热的花草茶,里面尽量少放糖。这些低卡路里的食物会让你有饱腹感,压制住吃零食的冲动。 Keep Away From Salt 远离盐 Salt is responsible for retention of water within the large intestine. Further, salt tends to keep our blood pressure high, making us more prone to sweating. These factors raise our thirst and the tendency to consume beverages, including teas and colas, which contain sugar. 盐会吸收大肠中的水份。另外,盐会让我们的血压升高,让我们更容易出汗。这些因素都会让我们感到口渴,想多喝一些饮料,包括含糖的茶和可乐。 Burn Your Sugars 燃烧体内的糖分 If you cannot do without your daily intake of sweet or sugar-concentrated items, try to snack upon them during the morning hours. This ensures that the body will be using the calories extracted from your favorite milkshake throughout the day, reducing the number of calories stored as fat. 如果你每天都离不开糖果或含糖的食物,尽量在早晨吃掉它们。这样会确保在一天的过程中,你的身体从你最喜爱的奶昔中提取能量,会减少转化为脂肪的能量。 Exercise Easily 轻松运动 You don’t need to take upon heavy gym routines to exercise your problem areas. For instance, climbing up and down the stairs is one of the easiest, most accessible types of cardiovascular exercise that works-out your hips, legs and thighs beautifully. Combine this with undemanding calorie-burners like brisk walks, walking to the nearby market, walking when talking on your mobile and taking upon more household chores. 你不必去健身房锻炼。比方说,上下楼梯就是最简单最有效的锻炼心血管系统的方式,能够让你的臀部、小腿和大腿变得健美。再做一些容易的燃烧卡路里的运动,比如散步、走着去附近的市场、边打电话边走动、做一些家务等。 Weight Loss Precautions You Shouldn’t Ignore 不能忽视的减肥注意事项 Maintaining your body frame is vital at the time of losing weight. Weight loss often causes loss of vital protein, weakening the muscles that are necessary to maintain the elasticity of our tissues. To ensure that you don’t lose too much of your lean muscle mass, ensure you consume egg whites on a daily basis. Avoid the yolk since it contains a high amount of cholesterol. 在减肥时保持体形是非常重要的。减肥会导致身体缺少重要的蛋白质,使得维持身体组织弹性的肌肉变弱。为了让自己不要失去大量精瘦肌肉块,每天要吃一些鸡蛋清。尽量少吃蛋黄,因为里面的胆固醇含量较高。