
2012年11月07日11:02  沪江英语 微博   


  很久很久以前,在一个美丽华贵的国度,善良而迷人的白雪公主(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)降生到这个世上。她用有让人欣羡的家境与童年,但是好景不长,他的母亲过早驱使,祖国遭遇神秘的黑色军队袭击,更为绝望的是父王将偶然相遇的绝世美女拉文娜(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)迎为新的王后。选段中,白雪公主因为猎人的吻苏醒了过来,白雪公主鼓励大家推翻女王的暴政……


  Huntsman: Well. here you are. All dressed up, like you're about to wake up and give me more grief. Am I right? You deserved better. I once had a wife, Princess. Sara was he name. When I came back from the wars, I carried with me the stench of death and the anger of the lost. I wasn't worth saving, that's for sure. But she did so anyway. And I loved her so much. I loved her more than anyone or anything. And then I let her out of my sight and she was gone. And I became myself again. A self I never cared for. Until you. See, you remind me of her. Her heart. Her spirit. But now you, too, have gone. You both deserved better, and I'm sorry I failed you. I am so sorry. But you'll be a queen in heaven now and sit among the angels.

  (Huntsman kissed Snow White. Snow White opened her eyes.)

  Prince: She died for us! For our cause! We cannot just hide behind these walls and watch this land die with her!

  Prince's father: Your grief clouds your judgment, my son.

  Prince: My grief makes me see clearer, Father.

  Prince's father: My duty is to protect those people who come to me for help. I will defend them to the last drop of my blood, but I will not abandon these walls.

  (The door opened and Snow White came in.)

  Muir: The spell is lifted.

  Prince's father: Death has favored you.

  Snow White: Death favors no man. We must ride like thundering waves under the tattered battle flag of my father.

  Prince's father: You must rest.

  Snow White: We have rested long enough. Frost to fire and fire to frost. Iron will melt. But it will writhe inside of itself! All these years all I've known is darkness. But I have never seen a brighter light than when my eyes just opened. All I know that light burns in all of you! Those embers must turn to flame. Iron into sword! I will become your weapon! Forged by the fierce fire that I know is in your hearts! For I have seen what she sees. I know what she knows. I can kill her. And I'd rather die today than live another day of this death! And who will ride wit me? Who will be my brother!

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