A: Telling it like it is doesn’t always win you friends. I called a spade a spade, and told Mary she was a bit fat and she dumped me。
B: So, honesty doesn’t always pay。
A: 有什么说什么有时候会得罪人。我直言不讳地告诉Mary她有点胖,她就把我甩了。
B: 这样看来,诚实并不是总能给人带来好处。
A: We’ve been so polite with each other that we haven’t answered any questions clearly。
B: I agree. It’s time to talk turkey now. I’m going to tell you exactly how much money I need, and you can tell me how much you can pay。
A: 我们双方都太客气了,问题还没有得到清楚的解答。
B: 我觉得也是,现在该直说了。我确切地告诉你我方报价,你告诉我你能付多少。
tell it like it is: 实话实说。
call a spade a spade: 直言不讳,实话实说。
talk turkey: 清晰、明确、直接地说。turkey,火鸡。