When a loved one passes away, we often use photographs as a way of keeping that person's memory alive. One Ohio family took the process a step further, creating a unique set of photos that serves as both a touchstone of the past and a reminder of how life moves forward. 每当我们至爱的人离世后,我们通常会用照片来使记忆得以延续。美国俄亥俄的一对父女则更进了一步,两人拍摄了一组独特的照片,作为对过去的铭记,并用来提醒他们生活该继续前行。
In 2011, 31-year-old schoolteacher Ali Nunery passed away from a rare form of lung cancer, leaving behind her husband Ben and a 1-year-old daughter named Olivia. 2011年,31岁的学校教师阿里·努纳利因为一种罕见的肺癌而离开了人世,离开了丈夫本和年仅1岁的女儿奥利维亚。
This November, after two years on "a rollercoaster of emotions," as Ben described it, he and Olivia were ready to move out of the Cincinnati home they'd shared with Ali. But before they left, Ben wanted a way to remember the happy times they'd shared in the house. So he asked his sister-in-law Melanie Pace, a professional photographer, to take photos of him and his now 3-year-old daughter in their home. 本称,在经历了两年的情感波动后,今年11月,他和女儿打算搬出曾与亡妻一同居住的屋子。但在离开之前,他想留个纪念,来铭记这幢房子里曾经的快乐时光。于是他找来了身为职业摄影师的嫂子米兰妮·佩斯,来为自己和现年3岁的女儿奥维利亚在这里拍一组合照。
"I was just really looking for a way to say farewell to the house, and have some things that Olivia and I can have to...remember the house," Ben said. “我只是想和这幢屋子道个别,也让我和女儿能对它留个念想。”本说。
Pace, who shot Ben and Ali's original wedding photos in 2009, was able to recreate the images with Ben and Olivia, including one of the father and daughter in a doorway to mimic the photo Ben had once taken with her mother. 曾在2009年帮这对新人拍摄婚纱照的佩斯再次举起了照相机,为这对父女拍摄了一组照片。其中一张相片上,父女俩站在门边,而本恰恰曾经与妻子在同样的场景拍过婚纱照。
"It immediately brought up memories of being there the first time," he said. "In a lot of ways, it felt like Ali was there, and doing that with Olivia I felt a closeness with both of them." “它瞬间勾起了我第一次站在那里时的回忆,”本说。“很多场景会让我感觉到阿里还在这里,而这回与奥维利亚一同拍照也让我与她们母女更加亲近。”
Pace and her husband, who is also a photographer and helped out with the shoot, posted the photos to their blog, and the beautiful and poignant images soon attracted attention, as even those unfamiliar with the Nunerys and their story were moved by the photos and story. 作为摄影师的佩斯夫妇将这组照片传到了他们的博客上,这组唯美伤感的照片很快引起了大家的关注,甚至不认识努纳利夫妇的网友也因他们的照片和故事而感动。
"I hope that people can see it as evidence of a love that Ali and I shared that is still very deep, [and] that love carries on, and it doesn't die," he said. "People who don't know us personally but may have experience with losing a loved one can see that as an example of healing and life moving on." “我希望大家可以把这组照片当作我与阿里爱的见证。我们深爱着对方,而且会一直延续下去,从不间断。”本说。“有些人虽然并不认识我们,但他们可能也有痛失所爱的经历。那么这也是一种疗伤,同时也提醒我们,得好好生活下去。”
When a loved one passes away, we often use photographs as a way of keeping that person's memory alive. One Ohio family took the process a step further, creating a unique set of photos that serves as both a touchstone of the past and a reminder of how life moves forward。