在哈利•波特系列丛书中,《预言家日报》八卦专栏作者丽塔•斯基特大多数读者都不会陌生。罗琳借由她的口吻在书中描写到33岁的哈利“仍然带着那副眼镜,虽然这种风格更适合缺乏个人风格的12岁男孩。” 斯基特仍将密切关注着中年哈里的一举一动。同时她也表示, 虽然小说中很多人在年轻时隐私会受到保护,但是那些和哈利关系密切并因此受到各种好处的人也同样会因公众的猎奇心理而付出一定的代价。
小说中同样会提到和哈利一同进入魔法部工作的罗恩•韦斯莱。他在两年后离开魔法部,很有可能是一些精神疾病导致的。同时哈利的颧骨出现了一个神秘的伤口, 暗示着哈利极有可能加入了绝密巫师组织――“傲罗”(Aurors)。
Read in English
Harry Potter is back - but everyone's favourite teenage wizard is now middle aged and battling grey hairs。
Fans have been offered a glimpse into Harry's future after JK Rowling resurrected her hero for a new short story that reunites him with his old friends at a Hogwarts school reunion。
In the final film of the series - the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - a much older Daniel Radcliffe could be seen alongside his co-stars as they waved their children off to school。
The 1,500-word story, published on the writer's Pottermore website, describes the now 33-year-old Harry as having "threads of silver" in his black hair。
A fictional gossip column written by Harry Potter journalist Rita Skeeter in the Daily Prophet says he continues to wear his glasses that she says are 'better suited to a style-deficient 12-year-old'。
But although the piece reveals details of Harry's life when he's 33 - it also seems to be a satirical yet thinly-veiled dig at the media。
Skeeter writes: "One always hesitates to invade the privacy of young people, but the fact is that anyone closely connected with Harry Potter reaps the benefits and must pay the penalty of public interest."
Previously, author JK Rowling appeared before the Leveson Inquiry saying she felt 'under siege' by journalists。
The fictional gossip column says Ron Weasley, played in the hit films by Rupert Grint, has aged less well with his ginger hair "thinning slightly". His wife Hermione, Harry's wife Ginny, and their children all feature in the story。
He entered into employment within the Ministry of Magic alongside Harry but left two years later and suggests he could even have a mental illness。
Rowling also gives fans a hint of Harry's new life by describing a mysterious cut over his cheekbone which signifies his membership of a top-secret group of wizards called the Aurors。
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