双语:发型也酷炫 创意理发师用头发作画

2014年09月12日12:06  新浪教育     收藏本文     

  When you go to Rob Ferrel for a haircut, you know you’re in forsomething really special. The professional hair artist can sculptlogos, designs, patterns and even celebrity faces on a head ofhair. He runs his own salon called Rob the Original Barbershop, inSan Antonio, where he works his magic every single day。



  At first glance, some of Ferrel’s customers look like they’vegot stuff painted on the back of their heads. But take a closerlook and you’ll realize that it’s all hair. Super-talented Ferreldiscovered his special gift only eight years ago, when a kid walkedinto the barbershop he worked at and asked for a small littleswirl。


  “From there I started doing stars and more complex designs,team logos” he said. “And then I wanted to do something differentand stand out, so I did portraits. Now if they bring me any image,I can replicate it in their hair”. Back in 2006, Ferrel’s clientshad to bring him images of the portraits they wanted, but now, withthe help of modern technology, he can just look up the image on hisphone and sculpt it freehand, using regular tools like trimmers andclippers。“



  His tools are pretty basic – standard barber clippers,trimmers and razors, and colored eyeliner for the finishingtouches, all put together in a neat toolbox. The trimmer is the onehe uses the most when he’s doing designs, and the clippers are forcreating shades。


  A single head of hair takes Ferrel 30 to 45 minutes to carve。“I create every shape and shade on the portrait – like a puzzle,”he says. “You can only do so much with hair, so the eyelinerperfects the picture and makes it look realistic。”


  Some of Ferrel’s most regular clientele include football andbasketball fans who want their favorite players etched into theirhair. With the Football World Cup fever still lingering in the air,Ferrel’s latest hair carvings have been of players CristianoRonaldo, Guillermo Ochoa, and Tim Howard with an American flag inthe background。


  And when his local basketball team San Antonio Spurs playedMiami Heat in the NBA finals in July, several fans of both teamscame in requesting styles with basketball themes。



文章关键词: 双语创意作画头发

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