Saying a Prayer for His Christmas Meal圣诞节晚宴上的餐前祷告
Lee, A seven-year-old boy, was asked to say thanks for the Christmas dinner. The family members bowed their heads in expectation. Lee began his prayer, thanking God for his Mommy, Daddy, brothers, sister, Grandma, and all his aunts and uncles. Then he began to thank God for the food。
有个小男孩叫Lee, 今年七岁,圣诞节晚餐开桌前,家人让他做餐前祷告。家人都带着期待的申请低头看着他,Lee开始做他得祷告,首先,他谢谢上帝赐予他爸爸妈妈,哥哥姐姐诶,奶奶还有他们家的所有叔叔婶婶。然后,他开始感谢上帝赐予他得圣诞节晚餐了。
He gave thanks for the turkey, the stuffing, the Christmas pudding, even the cranberry sauce. Then lee paused, and everyone waited ... and waited. After a long silence, the young fellow looked up at his mother and asked, "If I thank God for the Brussels sprouts, won't he know that I'm lying?"
他感谢上帝赐予他火鸡,馅儿饼,圣诞布丁和红莓酱。然后Lee停下来了 ,大家等啊等啊。。。。Lee沉默了很长时间,然后抬起头看着他妈妈说:“妈妈,如果我感谢上帝赐予我甘蓝菜,他会知道我在撒谎吗?”
P.S: 国外很多小孩子都不喜欢吃甘蓝菜,不知道为什么,看《绝望主妇》里面Lynette家的双胞胎就非常讨厌吃甘蓝菜,请了保姆后还拿这个来做实验,看看她们家保姆有没有魅力让两个小鬼头把甘蓝菜吃下去。
文章关键词: 双语
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