Christmas has officially begun in Rio de Janeiro, as thousands of people turned out to see the world’s tallest floating Christmas tree and a firework display over the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon yesterday。昨天,在罗德里戈湖畔,成千上万的人穿着节日的盛装观赏了世上最高的水上漂浮圣诞树和焰火表演,由此里约热内卢的圣诞节正式拉开了序幕。
Crowds flocked to the waterfront to watch as the 542 ton and 85 metre high structure was lit up by a dazzling display of multicoloured fireworks。耀眼炫目、五彩缤纷的烟火表演点亮了一座重达542吨、高达85米的圣诞树结构,吸引了众多人群涌向湖边前来观赏。
The annual event, which is now in its nineteenth year, draws tourists from across the globe and is the third largest occasion in the city’s calendar。作为里约热内卢城市日历上第三大重要活动,到今年这个年度活动已经持续了19年,每年都吸引了成千上万的世界各地游客。
Each year there is a new theme, represented
by the tree’s lights, and “A Christmas Light” was chosen for 2014 - celebrating the importance of light in people's lives, symbolised by the sun, moon and stars。每年的活动主题都各不相同。为了彰显阳光、月光和星光等灯光在人们生活中的重要作用,2014年的主题选择了树状灯光来展现,名为“圣诞之光”。
The tree itself contains 3.1 million micro bulbs, 2,150 strobe effects and 100 LED reflectors, which enable the record-beating tree to change colour and display different designs。圣诞树上装了310万个微型灯泡、2150个闪光灯以及100个LED反光镜,确保这棵打破纪录的圣诞树能够不停地变换颜色,呈现不同的设计效果。
This year Guinness World Records has officially certified that the tree is the largest of its kind in the world。今年,经吉尼斯世界纪录官方认证,这棵圣诞树确为世界最大。
The Christmas tree will continue to float in the lagoon until 6 January 2015, the traditional end of the holiday period。这棵圣诞树将继续漂浮在罗德里戈湖上,直到2015年1月6日这一传统节日结束。
Fireworks illuminate the tree at Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon in Rio de Janeiro。里约热内卢的罗德里戈湖畔,焰火与圣诞树交相辉映。
White fireworks burst over the world's highest floating Christmas tree。白色的焰火绽放在世上最高的水上漂浮圣诞树上空。
Fireworks explode around the tree during its lighting ceremony at Rodrigo de Freitas Lake in Rio。在里约热内卢罗德里戈湖畔的圣诞树点亮仪式上,缤纷的焰火纷飞。
文章关键词: 圣诞
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