A community in Richmond, Virginia, is reeling after an eight-year-old boy was beaten to death while trying to protect his 12-year-old sister from a rapist。美国维吉尼亚州的首府里士满,有个社区的人们正在追悼一位8岁的小男孩。这个小英雄非常勇敢,在自己12岁的姐姐遭受性侵时,他为了救下姐姐、与性侵者争执而不幸被打死。
The boy, identified as Martin Cobb, was pronounced dead at the scene in the 200 block of Brandon Road Thursday night. His sibling was taken to a hospital。男孩名叫马丁·科布,周四警方宣布马丁在离布兰登路200街区的案发现场死亡。她的姐姐被送去医院救治。
At around 6.30pm Thursday, the brother and sister were playing by the train tracks near their home when a stranger approached the 12-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her and slashed her face, the kids' aunt and stepfather told WRIC。孩子的阿姨和继父在接受WRIC网站采访时表示,周四傍晚6:30左右,姐弟二人正在家附近的铁轨处玩耍。突然有个陌生人来到12岁姐姐的身边,性侵了她并殴打她的脸部。
When her 8-year-old brother tried to intervene, the teenage attacker turned on him, throwing a rock at his head. Martin died instantly。性侵者是一个青少年,8岁的弟弟马丁试图阻止他,但他转而攻击弟弟,拾起一块石头打中了马丁的头部。马丁当场死亡。
‘To have the courage to defend his sister as if he was a grown man,’ neighbor Sudan Aunu told Richmond Times Dispatch. ‘His sister is alive today because of him.’“马丁虽然是个小孩子,但他却有着成熟男人的勇气,敢于挺身而出保护自己的姐姐,” 邻居Sudan Aunu在接受《里士满时讯报》记者采访时说,“她姐姐因为他的勇敢而得以逃生。”
The child was taken to a hospital to be treated for bruises and lacerations. Her family said she was very distraught by what happened。姐姐被送往医院,医生正在治疗她的擦伤和撕裂伤。家人说孩子被发生的一切吓坏了。
Both siblings attended Redd Elementary School. Pastor Dr. Theodore Hughey, of the Abundant Life Church, said little Martin and his sister were inseparable and were a constant presence at the house of worship。姐弟俩都就读于雷德小学,基督教丰盛生命堂的牧师西奥多说,小马丁和姐姐形影不离,经常一起出现在礼拜堂中。
Neighbor Merkeita Boyd described the 8-year-old Cobb a happy child who was beloved by everyone who knew him。邻居博伊德说8岁的马丁是一个人见人爱的孩子。
文章关键词: 双语
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