With his smiling mother and aunt, this is little Fionan Terry in one of the first portraits of his extraordinary family。这是一张小菲奥南·特里与满面笑容的妈妈和小姨一起拍的第一张照片,记录了他们特殊的一家人。
But the happy picture belies the emotional roller-coaster the two sisters have endured to bring him into the world.For not only is Ellie Fairfax his aunt, she is also his surrogate mother – stepping in to carry the baby after her sister learnt treatment for cervical cancer would leave her infertile。但是这张快乐的照片承载了小菲奥南降生前后,姐妹俩起起伏伏的情绪。因为艾丽·费尔法克斯不仅是小菲奥南的小姨,她同时也是他的代理母亲——在得知妹妹患宫颈癌接受治疗后失去无法受孕后,艾丽自告奋勇当代理母亲。
Siobhan Terry, 31, longed for another child to make her family complete, but was told she would never be able to give her daughter Saoirse, a brother or sister。西沃恩·特里今年31岁,非常希望能够再生一个小孩使家庭更完整,不幸被告知已失去生育能力,无法为她的女儿西尔莎再生一个弟弟或妹妹。
Thanks to the remarkable selflessness of Miss Fairfax, though, she is now the delighted mother of Fionan. He was born three months ago weighing 6lb 4oz after a four-hour labour。还好有非常无私的费尔法克斯小姐,她现在非常开心成为了菲奥南的母亲。三个月前,菲奥南经过4个小时的接生降临人世,出生时体重61磅4盎司。
Miss Fairfax said: ‘Although Fionan is biologically mine, from the moment he was conceived to the magical time I held him for the first time, I only ever thought of him as Siobhan’s baby。费尔法克斯小姐说:“虽然菲奥南的生理母亲是我,但是从我怀上他到我第一次抱着他,我脑子里想的是他是西沃恩的孩子。”
‘So it was never hard to let him go to her. I just felt relieved when he was born that he was healthy and delighted to see him bring Siobhan and Dean so much joy.’“所以放手让他回到西沃恩那里并不是一件难受的事。在他健健康康地降生后,我觉得如释重负,而且也非常开心可以看到他给西沃恩和迪恩带来这么多快乐。”
The sisters, from Beckenham, south-east London, are the eldest of four and have always been close。这对姐妹来自伦敦的东南区贝肯汉姆,是四个兄弟姐妹中排行最大的两个,她们俩的关系一直都很亲密。
But their bond grew stronger when Mrs Terry was diagnosed with cancer in December 2012 after a routine smear test。但是在2012年12月份,当特里女士做了子宫例行检查时发现已患上癌症时,姐妹俩的关系变得更加紧密了。
She said: ‘Knowing I urgently needed radiotherapy and chemotherapy was devastating. But Dean and I had hoped to have a sibling for Saoirse. 她说:“当我知道我急需进行放射治疗和化学治疗时,我整个人都崩溃了。但是迪恩和我还是满怀希望能为西尔莎再生一个弟弟或妹妹。”
'So it was a double blow when doctors broke the news that saving my life would destroy my eggs and leave my uterus too scarred to carry a baby.’“所以医生告诉我要保住我的性命,将损伤到卵巢,而子宫也会由于创伤无法受孕。”
When she told her family the heartbreaking news, her sister, who has no children of her own, instantly volunteered to carry a baby for her。当她告诉家人这个心碎的坏消息时,她没有生过小孩的姐姐,马上自告奋勇愿意代替妹妹再生下一个宝宝。
They bought an artificial insemination kit and after two months of trying using Mr Terry’s sperm, Miss Fairfax became pregnant. 他们买下了一个人工受精的装备,两个月后用特里先生的精子终于使费尔法克斯小姐成功受孕。
The sisters are telling their story to raise awareness of cervical cancer. 现在姐妹俩正述说着她们的故事来提高公众对宫颈癌的关注度。
文章关键词: 双语
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