
2014年12月17日10:18  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  There are only so many hours in a day, a week, and a term. Youcannot change the number of hours, but you can decide how to bestuse them. To be successful in school, you must carefully manageyour study time. Here is a strategy for doingthis。一天、一周、一学期中就只有这么多的时间。你无法改变这些时间的总量,但是却可以决定怎样更加有效地利用它们。为了在让孩子学业上有所成就,你必须精心规划他的学习时间。在此为你推荐一个管理时间的策略。

  Prepare a Term Calendar准备一份学期日历

  At the beginning of a term, prepare a Term Calendar. Update itas the term goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a TermCalendar。在学期伊始准备一份学期日历,在学期进程中随时更新。下面是准备该日历的详细方法。

  Record your school assignments with their due dates and yourscheduled tests。记下学校作业的上交日期以及测验的时间。

  Record your planned school activities。记下计划好的校内活动。

  Record your known out-of-school activities。记下你已知的校外活动。

  Prepare a Weekly Schedule准备一张每周日程表

  Each Sunday before a school week, prepare a Weekly Schedule.Update it as the week goes on. Here is what to do to prepare aWeeklySchedule。在每周的前一个星期日,准备一张每周日程表,随着每周的推进进行更新。下面是每周日程表的详细准备方法。

  Record your children daily classes。记下孩子每天的课程。

  Enter things to be done for the coming week from your TermCalendar。把学期日历里下周要做的事情加入到日程表里。

  Review your class notes from the previous week to see if youneed to add any school activities。回顾前一周的课堂笔记,看看是否需要将某些校内活动加入日程。

  Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involvedduring the week。写上孩子下周将会参与的校外活动。

  Be sure to include times for completing assignments, workingon projects, and studying for tests. These times may be during theschool day, right after school, evenings, andweekends。规划好做课后作业、研究课题以及为测验复习的时间,并确保将其列入日程。在校时间,放学后,晚上或是周末都可以安排上述任务。

  Prepare a Daily Organizer准备一张每日待做清单

  Each evening before a school day, prepare a Daily Organizerfor the next day. Place a √ next to each thing to do as youaccomplish it. Here is what to do to prepare a DailyOrganizer。在每天上学的前一晚,为第二天列一张待做清单。每完成一件事就在旁边打上一个勾√。下面教你如何准备一张待做清单。

  Enter the things to do for the coming day from your WeeklySchedule。从每周日程表里摘抄下第二天要做的事情。

  Enter the things that still need to be accomplished from yourDaily Organizer from the previous day。把前一天待做清单里没做完的事情写下来继续完成。

  Review your class notes for the day just completed to see ifyou need to add any schoolactivities。回顾当天刚刚完成的课堂笔记,看看是否需要添加一些校内活动。

  Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involvedthe next day。在第二天的待做清单上添加孩子会参加的课外活动。

  Your Weekly Schedule should have more detail than your TermCalendar。孩子的每周日程表应该比学期日历更详尽。

  Your Daily Organizer should have more detail than your WeeklySchedule。每日待做清单也应该比每周日程表更详尽。

  Using a Term Calendar, a Weekly Schedule, and a DailyOrganizer will help you make the best use of yourtime。使用学期日历、每周计划和每日待做清单,会让时间得到最有效的利用。


文章关键词: 双语

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