
2014年12月18日13:26  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
中国女性韩国归来难入境 中国女性韩国归来难入境
中国女性韩国归来难入境 中国女性韩国归来难入境

  Chinese women who are entering South Korea seeking skilled plastic surgeons are undergoing such transformative procedures that they are struggling to get past airport security on their way home。去韩国做整容手术的中国女性外貌改变后,归国时在机场安检受阻。

  The extensive surgeries, which can include reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid

  to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western', are transforming some Chinese women's entire faces, rendering them almost unrecognizable。大范围整容手术包括割掉上眼睑多余的皮肤从而使眼睛更大更“西化”,这样的手术完全改变了一些中国女性的面容,使她们变得让人几乎认不出来。

  To combat the issue, some hospitals have resorted to handing out 'plastic surgery

  certificates' - which include the patient's passport number, the name of the hospital they were treated at and the length of their visit to South Korea - to enable the women to re-enter China。以防万一,一些医院提供“整容证”,包括病人的护照号、整容手术所在医院名称以及她们在韩国逗留的时间,以使这些女性得以回到中国。

  China Daily reported that some women have been stopped at passport control because they were noted to have bigger eyes, higher noses and slimmer chins than in the photographs shown in their passports。据中国日报报道,一些女性在护照检查处被拦下,因为跟护照照片相比,他们本人眼睛更大、鼻梁更高、下巴更尖。

  After careful checks had been carried out, the women were allowed into China but they were all advised to renew their passports immediately。经过仔细检查,这些女性最终得以入境,但她们被建议立即更新护照。

  'After they took off their huge hats and big sunglasses following our request, we saw them looking different, with bandages and stitches here and there,' Shanghai Hongqiao Airport officer Chen Tao told China Daily。“在应我们的要求取下巨大的帽子和太阳镜后,我们发现她们看起来跟照片完全不同,而且到处都绑了绷带、缝了针”,上海虹桥机场工作人员陈涛(音译)接受中国日报采访时如是说。

  Plastic surgery is now such big business in South Korea that it is attracting thousands of clients daily from across the border in China。现在,韩国的整容手术是一个大业务,吸引了成千上万中国女性。

  And the mostly female clients return to China as 'live adverts' for the South Korean surgeons。而大多数整容的女性客户回到中国后成为了韩国整容手术的“活广告”。

  Before and after photos, which feature women who have undergone sometimes numerous procedures, have been drawing attention since they were posted on Chinese news sites。进行了数次整容的女性“整容前-后”对比照,在中国的新闻网站上一经发表就吸引了大量关注。

  The photos, which list the type of procedures each woman has had - ranging from Botox to rhinoplasty to jaw contouring - are accompanied by candid captions detailing the features each woman disliked about herself。照片列出了这些女性整容的具体内容:从注射肉毒杆菌到鼻部整形、再到下巴轮廓整形,并且配有直白的说明,详细给出了这些女性对于自己感到不满意的部位。

  It is believed that the rise of the country's music industry is behind the boom, and many patients visit clinics with photos of celebrities, asking surgeons to emulate American noses or eyes。人们认为,韩国音乐产业的发展是整形美容业大热的背后推手,很多去诊所就诊的客户带着名人的照片,要求医生仿照美式鼻子或眼睛给她们进行整容手术。

  Some women for example also undergo Intense Pulsed Light treatment, a procedure which can, among other things, be employed to lighten the skin。再比如说,一些女性还接受了强脉冲光治疗,这一治疗可使皮肤光亮。


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