UNIT 10 Skin
Skin fills a lot of important roles in our body. If we didn’t have skin, viruses and bacteria could easily get into our bodies. If that happened, these viruses and bacteria could make many diseases in our bodies. Skin also stores water and blood in our bodies. We cannot live without skin. Therefore, we have to take good care of our skin。
Select True or False
❶ Viruses and bacteria cause diseases in our bodies. (T/F)
❷ Some people can live without skin. (T/F)
❸ We don’t have to take good care of our skin. (T/F)
More to know
take care of
take care of 有“照顾”的意思,of 后面一般会接被照顾的对象。
··Please take care of my dog。
··Mom takes care of me everyday。
*Read and circle the best answer
❶ Which sentence is NOT true about skin?
a. Skin is very important in our bodies。
b. Skin protects our bodies。
c. Skin doesn’t store anything。
❷ What does skin store in our bodies?
a. water and fat b. water and blood c. hair and blood
*Complete the sentence with the right answer。
❸ These viruses and bacteria could make many in
our bodies。
a. cells b. diseases c. bones
❹ If we didn’t have , viruses and bacteria could easily
get into our bodies。
a. skin b. blood c. water
*Circle the correct sentence。
❶ The girl is sick。
❷ The girl is hitting her legs。
❸ The girl takes good care of her skin。
文章关键词: 学英文
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