儿子不接电话 辣妈开发APP控制手机(图)

2014年12月19日09:40  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
儿子不接电话 辣妈开发APP控制手机儿子不接电话 辣妈开发APP控制手机

  Fed up with her son's failure to pick up the phone when she calls and his ability to never answer her texts, the discerning Houston mom decided, with the ways of modern technology, surely she could do something about it。受够了儿子永远不接电话自己的电话,也不回短信,这位眼光敏锐的休斯顿母亲决定利用现代科技做点什么。

  'I literally just started researching how to develop an app,' Standifird told CBS。“说实话,我也只是刚开始研究怎么开发一个app。“斯丹菲尔德这样告诉CBS。

  Once she started, Standifird didn't stop, and after a few months of designing the application and then meeting with a developer, the result was Ignore No More.The app allows Standifird to deactivate the phone belonging to her son, Bradley, after installing it onto his iPhone。一旦开始,斯丹菲尔德就不打算放弃。几个月的设计之后,她和一名开发人员进行了会面,最后研发出来一款叫做“不再无视”的app。只要安装成功,它就可以让斯丹菲尔德能够控制儿子布拉德利的手机。

  Bradley requires a password to reactive the phone, which only his mom has.He cannot call or text anyone but his mom when Ignore No More is activated.The phone will let him dial 911, but it won't let his access internet or games。安装成功后,布拉德利的手机需要密码才能启动,而这个密码只有他妈妈才有。只要“不再无视”app启动,他就只能给妈妈发短信或者打电话。他也可以打911,不过不能联网也不能玩游戏。

  'Bradley needs to call me because I'm the person that has the unlock password,' Standifird said.Her husband William said he is not surprised at the capabilities of his wife, who served in the Gulf War.'Pretty much anything she sets her mind to she does,' he said。“布拉德利就只能给我打电话,因为我是唯一有解锁密码的人。”斯丹菲尔德说。她的丈夫威廉说他一点都不惊讶于妻子的能力,毕竟她是在海湾战争服役过的人。“基本上她想做的就一定能做到。”他这样说。

  Standifird said the app had made an immediate difference in being able to contact her son.To ensure his phone is not shut off, Bradley has been responding to every text and answering his mother's calls.'I thought it was a good idea, but for other people, not me,' Bradley told CBS。斯丹菲尔德说这款app使儿子跟自己的联系立刻变得不同了。为了保证电话能正常工作,他会回复妈妈的每条短信,每个电话也都接。“我觉得这个点子很不错,但是是对其他人来说,不是我。”布拉德利这样告诉CBS。

  Ignore No More is available only for Android phones via Google Play。“不再无视”现在只有安卓版,可以通过Google Play下载。


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