
2014年12月19日09:44  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Got a difficult decision to make? Why not mull it over auf deutsch?面临艰难的抉择?为什么不试试用德语来思考?

  A new study suggested

  that people are prone to make more sound, less risky decisions if they are thinking in a language other than their native tongue。一项新的研究结果显示,当人们用母语之外的语言思考的时候,往往更能做出理智而非轻率的决定。

  The series of experiments, conducted by Boaz Keysar of the University of Chicago, led the scientists to believe that ‘using a foreign language reduces decision-making bias,’ Dr Keysar’s team wrote。美国芝加哥大学的宝姿·凯莎教授带领其学生进行了相关研究,他们的研究成果向科学界证实——如凯莎教授的研究团队在发表的文章中所述——“使用外语能够减少决策过程中的母语偏见。”

  Their findings, published in an April 18 Psychological Science study, say that human reasoning is shaped by both systematic, rational ideas, and another that’s emotionally-charged and rapid。他们的研究报告刊登在4月18日的《心理科学研究》中,报告指出,人的逻辑思维分成两个部分,其一是系统的、理性的思维,另一种是情感充裕、迅速的思维。

  The team gathered 54 UC students who knew Spanish as a second language to place bets on a coin toss。研究团队对芝加哥大学内54名以西班牙语为第二语言的学生进行了调查,参加实验的学生被要求参加猜硬币正反面的游戏。

  Each student was given $15 in dollar bills, and could bet $1 at a time on either heads or tails. If they bet and won, they could win $1.50, and lost nothing if they did not bet。每名参与调查的学生都有15美元可下注,每次用1美元猜抛出的硬币是正面还是反面。如果他们猜对了,就可以赢得1.5美元。如果他们不下注,就不会损失任何钱。

  When they were given the experiment in English, the students acted narrow-mindedly, and took the bet only about half of the time。当这些学生们在实验过程中说英语的时候,他们思路狭窄,在游戏中有一半的时间内并没有下注。

  But when the same students heard instructions in Spanish, they bet 74 per cent of the time。但是当研究者们用西班牙语讲述游戏规则的时候,这些参与调查的学生在游戏74%的时间里都愿意下注。

  The conclusion, then, these scientists believe, is that thinking in a foreign language distances people from snap emotional decisions, allowing decisions to be more logical。研究者们相信,这项实验证明,使用外语思考能够避免人们在做决定时感情用事,过于轻率,从而使人们做出更符合逻辑的决定。

  The hope, they wrote, is that people can think in foreign languages to make more prudent financial and economic decisions。研究人们表示,他们希望人们在进行金融和经济方面的决策时,通过运用外语思考来做出更理智的决定。


文章关键词: 双语

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