
2014年12月19日13:42  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  The record for most babies born to one woman is 69. Yes, you read that correctly 69!世界上生孩子最多的女人共生下了69个孩子。对,你没看错,就是69个!

  Who was this amazing woman? We don’t really know. Her husband is the one whose name has lived on because of her crazy baby making skills. She was the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev, a peasant from Shuya, Russia who lived from 1707-1782. We can only speculate how many fire safety ordinances he violated

  by housing all his progeny in his little peasant sized hovel. Presumably, at some point they also had to choose to feed on the weak ones in order to provide food for the strong。这个神奇的女人是谁?我们不知道。不过因为她称得上是疯狂的生育能力,她丈夫的名字倒是流传了下来。她的丈夫是俄罗斯Shuya的农民Feodor Vassilyev,生活于1707年至1782,而她是他的第一任妻子。我们只能猜想,当时他的小屋子里肯定挤满了孩子,他大概也因此触犯了不少防火安全条例。而且为了养活强壮一些的孩子,他们有可能会吃掉那些弱小一点的孩子。

  How did she manage this feat given most women only have about 30-ish years of baby making ability? She gave birth to sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets; so basically a veritable baby making factory who scoffs at “one at a timing” it. Amazingly, 67 of her children survived infancy, which was a remarkable rate for the day。大多数女人的生育年限只有差不多三十年。而她是怎么做到生了这么多孩子的?答案就是她生了16对双胞胎,7对三胞胎和4对四胞胎。所以说,她基本上可算是一座名副其实的生育工厂,根本不屑于一次只生一个这种事情。而且令人惊讶的是,她有67个孩子在婴儿时期都存活了下来,这样的存活率在当时算是非常了不起的。

  The really amazing thing of it is that with the 67 surviving kids, if each of them had 2 kids (a low number for back then, but we’ll be conservative here) and each of their kids had 2 kids and so on, and we assume about 25-ish years between generations. Then this couple currently has around 70,000 descendants!再想想,如果这67个活下来的孩子每个人都有两个孩子(这在当时算少的,但我们还是保守点吧),他们的每个孩子又再有两个孩子,每代的年龄差以25岁计算。那么,这对夫妇现在的子孙后代差不多有7万人!


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