
2015年01月04日10:38  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想
英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想 英儿童摄影师 拍的不是照片是梦想

  An artist has created a series of magical photos which are inspired by the colourful childhood imaginations of her young subjects。最近,英国一位艺术家以孩子们五彩缤纷的想象为灵感,创作了一组神奇的照片。

  Vicki-Lea Boulter, 42, from Torquay, was fed up with forcing children to sit in front of a plain white background and smile and decided she wanted to bring their imaginations to life. 这位艺术家就是来自英国托基的42岁摄影师维姬·李·博尔特。她不想再用那种逼着孩子坐在单调的白背景下保持微笑的方式拍照,而是决定在拍摄中加入孩子们对生活的想象。

  The photographer sits down with the children and talks about their dreams and interests before getting them into a role for the picture。拍照之前,维姬会和孩子们坐在一起讨论他们的梦想,之后为照片设定一个角色。

  The award-winning photographer has developed amazing digital techniques to edit the images using Photoshop to create the final picture with the whole creative process taking just a few hours from start to finish。这位获奖摄影师通过神奇的数字技术对照片进行编辑和PS之后得到最终的照片效果,整个创作过程仅花费了几个小时。

  Vicki believes that the whole process gives the child a stronger connection with the final photo and allows their creativity and imagination to shine through。维姬认为整个照片创作过程增强了孩子与最终照片之间的联系,孩子们的创造力和想象力贯穿照片拍摄的始终。

  She has photographed everything from children playing cricket, fairies in a snow globe, aspiring chefs and astronauts, babies in baskets and also hundreds of Frozen themed shoots。目前维姬已经拍摄了很多这样照片,有打板球的孩子、雪球里的童话、小厨师和小航天员、篮子里的婴儿以及上百张以冰冻为主题的图片。

  Vicki, who shoots everything in her studio in Torquay, Devon, said: 'I started

  Children’s Fantasy Portraiture after a child came to my studio kicking and screaming in a pretty dress, shouting "I don’t want to smile, I just want to play"。维姬的这些照片都是在托基的工作室里拍摄的,她说:“我的这个想法是来自于一个不愿拍照的孩子。之前曾有一个孩子来工作室拍照,在穿漂亮衣服时他又踢又闹,还嚷着‘我不想微笑,我想玩’。”

  'This got me thinking. Why am I buying in to the idea of making children look pretty and pose for a camera at such a young age? “这件事之后我就在想,我为什么一定要让拍照的孩子看起来很漂亮,为什么要让这么小的孩子对着镜头摆姿势呢?”

  'Don’t we all get sad when our teens become obsessed with selfies, the way they look, and about being pretty, when they have so much more to offer?“看到现在的青少年们迷恋让自己看起来很漂亮的自拍,我们不是也觉得挺可悲的么?他们明明是有更多选择的啊。”

  'That’s when I decided that from now on, when a child comes to the studio, I will talk to them first, find out about them and the person they are and what they love to do. “从那以后我就决定,有孩子再来工作室拍照时,我要首先跟他们交谈,了解他,知道他喜欢什么、想要什么。”

  'Kids are only little people, there is so much going on between their little ears that we don’t always give them credit for, even from a very early age. “孩子们都是小大人,即使年龄再小,他们的小脑袋里也装了很多我们无法帮他们都实现的想法。”

  'We should be encouraging our children to play, and explore their minds and imagination, and arm them with the confidence and tools to march forward in life and become the person they want to be and not think the only thing that matters is how you look for a photo. “我们应该鼓励孩子去玩,去探索,去发挥自己的想象力,给他们信心和工具,帮他们不断前行去实现自己的梦想,而不是去想‘我在照片里看起来怎么样’这种问题。”

  'This is what producing this book has done for me.' “这就是我创作这组照片的目的。”

  Vicki-Lea hopes that one day the children featured in the book will think about what their dreams are and who they want to be and realise that this means much more than what they look like。维姬还希望将来有一天,书中描述的孩子们能想到他们的梦想、想到他们曾经想成为的人,然后意识到这些远比照片里的人看起来怎么样重要的多。


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