Ryker Wixom wears all the latest trends and can strike a pose…and he’s only 4. Meet the tiny tot who is proving that kids can be stylish, too。小宝贝赖克·威克瑟姆穿着时尚、造型酷炫……而他才只有4岁。来看看这个潮小孩吧,他用行动证明:小孩也可以很时尚。
Given how fast his Instagram star is rising, you’re likely to at least hear about him before long。看看他的图片社交网站Instagram增粉速度吧!你很可能在不久前就听说过他。
Together with his mom Collette Wixom, the duo have started a fashion blog/Instagram account/Facebook page called Ministylehacker, whose followers number in the tens of thousands。赖克和妈妈科莱特·威克瑟姆在博客、Instagram、Facebook等社交网络上建立了名叫Ministylehacker的页面,粉丝量达上千万。
As Ms. Wixom explains, “This all started when a friend showed me pictures of a few “fashion kids” on Instagram。” She thought they looked cute, but figured that the Gucci belt and Ferragamo shoes some of these kids were sporting were a little bit out of her (and in fact most parents’) price range。威克瑟姆夫人说道:“之前有个朋友给我看了Instagram上的几张潮小孩的照片。”她认为这些小孩看上去很可爱,但她也发现这些图片中小孩身上的Gucci腰带和菲拉格慕皮鞋是自己负担不起的。
And so she set out to copy these looks with her kids, Ryker and Grey, using clothes normal hard-working parents could actually afford. “I thought it would be fun to “hack” the style of men in fashion and show other parents how they could do the same。”所以,她就淘了许多普通工薪阶层家长[微博]能购买得起的衣服,让自己的孩子赖克和格雷穿上凹造型拍照。“我觉得让自己的小孩模仿时尚型男的造型很有趣,同时其他父母也可以借鉴,把自己的小孩打扮得时尚一些。”
What she didn’t expect was the viral response she got to photos like the ones you see above and below。然而她没有预料到,她拍摄的这些照片竟然会爆红网络。
On the Ministylehacker About page, Ms. Wixom explains that Ryker is neither a model nor an actor, and offers some advice for moms that need help getting their boys to behave in front of the camera在Ministylehacker的页面上,威克瑟姆夫人解释说赖克既不是模特也不是演员,同时她还给妈妈们提出了一些建议,帮助她们更好地引导孩子的镜头感。
“He is a regular kid who does regular kid things. I am able to get him to “pose” by making it fun for him。”“他是个普通的小孩,做普通的事。让孩子感到有趣,就能轻松地引导他在镜头前摆造型。”
“We use our imaginations a ton and have a great time while doing so. If you see him with his hands in his pockets, he is holstering his imaginary laser guns。”“我们可以充分调动想象力,与此同时还能充分享受其中。如果你看见小孩把手放在了口袋里,他可能正幻想着把激光手枪放进皮套里。”
"If you see him leaning against a wall, he is trying to push it over with his body weight."“如果你看见他斜靠着墙,他可能是想试着用身体推那面墙。”
“If your child hates having their picture taken, give imaginative play a try!”“如果你的孩子讨厌拍照,试着让他发挥想象力吧!”
As Mini Style Hacker’s fan base continues to grow, more and more styles are being hacked。随着这个潮小孩的粉丝数量持续增长,越来越多的新造型照片被发布出来。
The website’s fans are also becoming active in the day-to-day production of content。随着照片的日益更新,网友们也变得非常活跃。
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