
2015年01月20日14:26  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Everyone asks me when I’m going to have babynumber two. My mother and father think it’s time. My mother-in-lawandfather-in-law think it’s time. Our neighbors and Stella’s revolving Chinesegrandparents think it’s time. In fact, it’s hard for me to leave the housethese days without being stopped by a random Chinese grandmother in ourcommunity to discuss the pros and cons of Baby 2.


  My husband and I are conflicted. Baby 2 is in the future, definitely. (Possibly Baby 3, although my husband doesn’t know about that yet。) We look back on the first year of Stella’s life and remember the sleepless nights and the constant feedings. I remind my husband that he’d better be ready to take out the trash, do any heavy lifting,and bow to my every whim if I’m going to give birth to another baby- something that didn’t feel very good the first time around and I’m sure doesn’t get that much better the second。


  Most parents who consider a second little bundle of joy have questions. What is the best age gap between children? Can timing reduce sibling rivalry and create a more harmonious family structure? Let’s turn to the experts to answer some common “tobaby or not to baby” questions。


  两年之内利弊 Less Than 2 Years Apart:

  Pros- If you can embrace the intensity and chaos that will inevitably follow a two babies in two years, you may be rewarded within a year or so with kids who entertain each other well and are nicely in sync when it comes to toys and activities.Children born very close together can sometimes form an unbreakable bond。


  Cons- Money. The benefit of spacing out children is that it allows some time for your wallet and bank account to recover. You can also expect to be in child overdrive. All of those potty accidents, temper tantrums, and sleepless nights double with the addition of a baby two。


  两到四年内生二胎 2 to 4 Years Apart:

  Pros- With your older child heading off for a day of kindergarten fun, you'll get the freedom to bond with your new baby. Siblings are still close enough in age that they enjoy the same kind of toys and games. This may also be a good move career-wise, as it allows for some working time between pregnancies。

  利 大一点的孩子已经上幼儿园了,这样一来你将有更多时间照顾你的小孩子。孩子们年龄上也不会相差太远,还是可以分享玩具一起做游戏。这也是不错的选择,在生二胎之前你还有一点时间可以工作。

  Cons- A first bornchild who is accustomed to all of the attention may feel resentful when the new baby is introduced into the mix. By quickly showing the older child how toproperly treat and take care of the new baby, firstborn children can better adapt to the new addition. Constantly saying “no” may be seen as taking the newbaby’s side and foster more jealously。


  五年之后再生 5 Years Apart or More:

  Pros- Many parents with children of this age gap feel that taking five or more years between pregnancies is the easiest on a marriage. You’re smarter and more confident as a couple, able to handle the rigors of parenting while still making time to besure your marriage is healthy and happy. The older child is also more mature and may accept the role as “baby helper” with a sense of pride。


  Cons- With a big age gap, it may be difficult for children to become close friends. For example, a six year old is starting elementary school and no longer interested in “baby things” like playing blocks or going down the little slide on the playground.The return to diapers may be a shock to the system for the adults in the house also。

  弊 年龄差别大了,两个孩子可能不如同龄人亲密。例如,一个六岁的孩子开始准备上小学,他就不再对小孩子的玩意感兴趣啦。对家里的大人来说,清理孩子的尿布说不定又成为一件大事了。



文章关键词: 双语二胎

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